Ryan & Lisa Ule share their journey through the still birth of their son Nolan. They tell Gran about the heartache of their experience and how God used their pain for a purpose by helping others going through the same journey.
Tim Mahoney discusses the historical evidence for the validity of the Bible and how it's more important today than ever in America for Christian parents to teach this to our kids.
Marie Kondo's Netflix show has everyone buzzing online about decluttering…and determining whether their home is filled with items that “spark joy.” Yet, we’re asking, “Does your LIFE spark joy?”
If this humble servant of the Lord from a poverty, war and disease torn country has spiritual armor strong enough to stand up against the flaming arrows of popular culture and the “church elite” from the U.S., WHY, as Bible-believing Evangelicals from a free and prosperous America, don’t WE?!
Today's news headlines from a Christian worldview, including self-congratulatory Hollywood culture, Planned Parenthood Restrictions, Unisex Clothing Styles, and "woo woo" Spiritual Cleansing.
The use of cross-shaped memorials has been a long standing tradition in honoring the dead. In 1915 Major John McCrae wrote the famous poem, “In Flanders Fields” and the cross reference is no mistake.