When Columba traveled from Ireland to Scotland, he brought the gospel with him. On this episode of 5 Minutes in Church History, Dr. Stephen Nichols introduces us to this missionary, scribe, and hymn writer.
Constantine's rise of Christendom, Mohammed's founding of Islam, Luther's role in the Reformation, the Enlightenment of the 1700's, and Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy in 1978 are significant events in church history.
Medieval manuscripts were often highly ornate—decorated with jewels and gold leaf—and prayer books were no exception, including the famous “books of hours.”
According to Purdue University's legal analysis, the inclusion of the phrase, “God’s physical laws” on a donor plaque could be seen as an endorsement of religion, violating the Constitution.
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ new “policy statement,” is ideology, not science. And like all ideologically-driven endeavors, it will leave a train of victims in its wake: our kids.