Few Christians are willing to stand for anything. The Church must be willing to stand up and be counted. If she loses her soul now, she will never find it again.
Evangelicals have a high view of the Bible, emphasize the atoning work of Christ on the cross, must be born again, and express the Gospel in their lives.
What is surprising and what “Unplanned” exposes in a powerful way, is how misguided, and even cowardly, it is for Christians to remain silent. These silent Churches and individuals aren't living in reality.
Tim Mahoney discusses the historical evidence for the validity of the Bible and how it's more important today than ever in America for Christian parents to teach this to our kids.
How can parents teach and train their children about the divine value of work and how Biblical principals can come to life in the 21st century job force?
Dave Wilson, founder of Kensington Church outside of Detroit and Lions Chaplain, discusses the benefits and hurdles regarding praying with your spouse.