Can the state compel small business owners to speak a message contrary to their religious beliefs? Let’s hope the Supreme Court protects Aaron and Melissa Klein and their First Amendment right to differ.
What is surprising and what “Unplanned” exposes in a powerful way, is how misguided, and even cowardly, it is for Christians to remain silent. These silent Churches and individuals aren't living in reality.
College-bound students should make exposure to great Christian thinking a priority. Unbelievers will not be able to teach us the most important things we need to know about God and about his ways in the world.
Any victories for life in local legislatures will set the stage for an even bigger struggle - making the pro-life case without any benefit of political tailwinds.
The more the Western world drifts away from, spurns and rejects the Biblical human value, the more we see the demonizing of “the other;” the more we will see our civic and political dialogue descend into the gutter; and the more we will see acts of extreme violence.
Tim Mahoney discusses the historical evidence for the validity of the Bible and how it's more important today than ever in America for Christian parents to teach this to our kids.