"People of Color" is a myth used to divide and control the masses. How about we start seeking what we have in common and quit separating our potential unity by creating false categories of what it means to be human?
If you are looking to instill respect and dignity to any cause touted by women by parading around naked, I promise you... we ain't listening. Just looking.
Of course anyone arguing with the absurd “Who are we to tell X what he can sound like“ concept would be immediately branded a letter-aphobe and sued for “X” amount of dollars.
Brad Stine sat down with Constitution wizard, Rick Green, to discuss the SIMPLICITY of the beautiful Second Amendment and why so many people get it WRONG!
Wouldn’t it be neat if we used our disagreements to seek some kind of dialogue? How about engaging those you disagree with actual facts and perspectives that might bring some light to a subject as opposed to heat?
If someone demands a specific behavior from you but excludes themselves from having to behave the same way they are by their own definition immoral and they are stealing from you!