If your point of view cannot withstand intellectual scrutiny, then it is not worthy of your allegiance. Unless submitting to reality is more abhorrent to you than speaking truth.
We’re on track to convince Americans to slit their own throats and actually pat their own backs as being the best of citizens - all the while watching themselves bleed out by their own hand.
Marriage isn’t dead. Christian morals are. I don’t stay married because the government tells me to, or society for that matter, but because it is Holy.
I’m not against the vaccination. I’m just against Draconian measures to get people vaccinated like firing them from their jobs if they don’t or requiring vaccination IDs to get into a descent restaurant or removing the first born child from their homes. Oh, that’s only Australia?
Let’s be very careful how we use our words. That way if one of the greatest human rights tragedies ever happens again, we will be ready and not numbed to it.