Comedian Jeffrey Jena, one of my closest friends on the planet, joins the show as we reminisce about our hazy early days in stand up comedy – which leads directly…
There are some moral issues that are difficult, but there are very clear moral propositions that everybody universally knows, such as: being kind and honest are virtues not vices. These…
Welcome to the Big Picture Podcast. I’m Joel Fieri and this podcast seeks to begin and hopefully sustain a conversation about current trends, ideas and issues in the Church and…
The honey price increases in Sacramento, CA have led to a jump in beehive thefts. Beekeepers have always been concerned about someone stealing their hives – if only there were…
Grammy award winning singer and songwriter Russ Taff calls into the show this week to discuss honesty in prayer, marriage, recovery and so much more! Russ loves the honesty found…
If you have ever flown, you know the emergency instruction to parents traveling with children is to first put the oxygen mask on yourself so you can then put it…
2 Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”…
Be forewarned: The content about to be expressed in this podcast is explicit in nature, but deals with real issues facing men and women all across the country in all…
Sex is a “hot” topic, but among some couples, it’s a subject they evade. The way we view sex can determine whether we are fulfilled in it or avoiding it. …
Comedian Jeffrey Jena is Jeff’s first victim as they reminisce about their hazy early days in stand up comedy – which leads directly to memory loss due to getting older…