Carty’s Contemporary Classics – Sinless Anger

Christian Podcast Central Classic Podcast

You will experience hurt, fear, frustration, feelings of injustice. Sorry. Comes with life. It’s hard. Then you die. But you don’t have to get mad. You’re riding your bike. A car cuts you off. You’re headed for the ditch. You’re going to crash and burn, shot of adrenaline, eyes dilate, body does what it’s supposed to. You’re sailing over the handle bars, gravel on your forehead.

On your way over, you look at the rear view mirror, there’s the eyes you start to do what you’d normally do, and you notice two people in the backseat. They’re on their way to the hospital. They’re doing CPR in the backseat. Legitimate CPR.

They didn’t mean to run you off the road. I mean, you were over a little too far. They had to cut in. It was going to be a head-on, and you went in the ditch, and they didn’t mean to. They’re trying to save a life, and you had to get off your bike and shake for five minutes. But did you get mad? No. Because your perspective controlled it. I submit to you, if you understand the source of sin, and when a person sins, they got a problem with God, not you. You don’t have to get mad in retaliation. But you will suffer, hurt, fear, frustration, feelings of injustice because it just comes with life.

He finishes talking to Corey,  and says, “We’re not talking anymore. We’ve had it with you. Bite the wall Moses.”

And then in verse 15, Moses became very angry. Why did he get mad in 15? He didn’t get mad in four. Why did he get mad in 15? He took it personally, but he didn’t sin. He said to the Lord, “Oh God, I’m so sick of these turkeys. Laugh after laugh. I’ve had it up to here. You want to snuff up? Do you. I’m tired of why me in the first place. I didn’t ask for this job. What is the deal? I mean, it seems to me that”… Oh God, I almost did it that time. Didn’t I? Well I’m I’m doing better now. Aren’t I? That’s a little spiritual. One to 10 count. I appreciate it. I don’t seem to be doing as much as I used to. I still do it though a little don’t i.

Okay. I’m better now. What is it you want me to do… 20 times the first day folks you’re out of practice. 18 the second. 16 the third. And you can learn to be angry and sin not. Question, is that the way you’ve been to doing it? Yes or no? For you. Yes or no? Just you personally. Yes or no? For a long time? Then what must you have?

What must you have if you’ve been doing it that way for a long time? [crosstalk 00:04:00] What?


Unless the Bible is wrong. The enemy has some personal attachment on you because of your improper anger in your past. Would you like to scrape it up? Well, here’s the tough one. You have to choose to forgive. You have to give up your rights to get even. You have to be willing to give the person over to Christ and to his discipline. He may even save their soul. Would that be okay after what they did to you?

Paul made it clear. You want to deal with opportunities? You must forgive. Remember an opportunity is a foothold, geographical location. You want to remove them one way forgive and you say, hold it, Jay can’t do no way, I don’t feel like it. And I don’t trust the person. And I can’t forget it. If you don’t feel like it you would be a hypocrite, I don’t want to be hypocrite so I got to wait till I feel like it and I don’t feel like it. I don’t trust him. I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. You can’t forgive unless you trust. And I can’t forget what happened to me. You sure can’t forgive Unless you forget. So don’t ask me to forgive. I can’t do it.

All those reasons are wrong. Let me prove it to you. We’re on a diet. We walk by the bakery. Two chocolate eclair’s in there. I like chocolate eclair’s. I think I’ll get two and take them home and put them in my refrigerator and go on my living room, rug and pray. Oh God, help me not to eat those chocolate eclair. How much power in that prayer? Will God look at our heart or our words?


If your heart doesn’t match your words, do you have a prayer? You’re double minded, no power, no prayer. So why’d you put the eclair’s in the refrigerator? So they’ll keep, until you can justify their consumption. So based upon where you put them, do you intend to eat them?

See, you don’t really want to scrape off your leaches when you’ve got eclairs in your refrigerator. But if you would like to scrape off your leaches, even though you don’t feel like it, even though you don’t trust and if you don’t forget, if you want to, you still can, because I can go buy the bakery on a diet, see two chocolate eclair’s and not go in and get them. I feel you like having them, but I don’t. Am I a hypocrite? What am I? Hungry yeah, I know, but, but what else am I? I am disciplined. I am obedient. I feel like having them, but I don’t have them. I’m disciplined.

I submit to you that if you did everything you felt like doing whenever you felt like doing it two thirds of it would be sin, but you don’t sin every time you feel like it you’re an onion so you feel like sinning a lot, but you don’t because you’re disciplined. You’re obedient. You see, you cannot wait for your feelings to come into alignment before you do something you have to do what’s right and then you, your feelings will come into alignment. Your feelings don’t have anything to do with it, do you ever steal small voice, “How can you be a Christian do what you just did?” You heard that voice? How do you know you’re a Christian? Cause your feelings don’t affect your salvation. Your salvation is based upon the unchanging word of God, not how you feel at the time. If you were only saved when you felt like it, every 28 days, the ladies would be unsaved and men, you laugh, but it has been established. You too have a cyclical period of depression for most of us. It’s 32 days.

So if you’re only saved, when you feel like it pray like crazy and never diet when you’re depressed. Wouldn’t that be an awful way to live? Your feelings don’t have anything to do with it. What you need to do is just be obedient. Word of God says, choose to forgive. You do not have to feel like it. Just choose to forgive and you don’t have to trust. I loan you my car and you wreck it. I can forgive you for that, but I’m a fool if I loan you my next car, aren’t I? Do the husband, he commits adultery, comes back. Wife takes him in. They’re working on him. Three months later, he hangs out with the guys doesn’t call home. He shows up. She looks at him, he pulls the power play. “Well, see you don’t trust me. So you must not have forgave me”

And I say hogwash, she can forgive him in an instant. He’s got to know, it’s going to take some time to reestablish trust. She shouldn’t make him jump through needless hoops, but it’s gonna take time. That’s just the way it is. She can forgive in an instant. It takes time to reestablish trust.

I know about alcoholism. When my mom said after being dry for three months. “I’ve got this whipped.” I learned that that was a lie. After a year, “I got it whipped” not true. Give me five. And every Christmas I’ll be worried and you don’t keep a fifth of whiskey in the cupboard if you’re a recovering alcoholic and you can forgive a pedophile and they can be rehabilitated, but you don’t make them boy scout leaders. There are consequences to sin you can forgive, but there are always consequences to sin and you don’t have to trust to forgive.

And if you ever forget what happened to you, you have a bigger problem. You have Alzheimer’s, or brain damage, but here’s what you can do. When the enemy brings that past event to mind, you can take your date. It’s the 27th and you can write that in the front of your Bible and you can say, Oh no, I know who’s voice this is. And on the 27th of February, I resolved that issue. I put that away once and for all the authority of scripture and in the power of Jesus name come against all of this plan the authority that’s in Christ, that all things are subject to his feet.

You must get behind me and put the two year old to bed. The biggie though is will you give up your rights to get even? Well, we’re down to the nitty gritty. This is not a 22nd prayer spot. Some of you may have a few tears. It’s really okay. Oh you’ve been violated deeply along the way. Oh you’ve been carrying your anger for years. The tragedy of all of that, that person who did that to you, who wronged you, still owns you as long as you carry the grudge.

So when you deal with the root of bitterness, you’ve resolved the issue. You do that by turning the person over to Christ, to his discipline and you give up your rights to get even and you recognize there is no reconciliation without repentance. I do not have to reconcile with someone who is not repentant, but I can be free of the incident. They don’t own me anymore. If you choose to forgive someone, probably not a good idea to go tell them unless you know they need to hear that because often that’s a statement of manipulation. If someone has ah against you and you come to worship, then you have to go make it right or attempt to before you can worship. But when you have ah against them, just deal with it. The responsibility is God. If then morality has been involved then you don’t want to go try to reconcile with someone toward whom you’ve been Immoral because the higher command is to flee.

So there you have it. Don’t have to feel like it don’t have to trust and you don’t have to forget, but you do have to give up all right to get even. Willingness to give up your grudge. If you choose to do this, you’re going to write it in the front of your Bible, February 27th, write it right in there and then get ready to put the two year old to bed. Let’s pray.

Father, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, clear a pathway for our prayer. As we prayed this morning, we don’t want the enemy shooting fiery darts here. I put a hedge of thorns around us. May the angels interlock their arms and build a shield. We want to be one on one with your holy spirit and we don’t want any outside interference from him. There are attachments. There are leaches. We’ve given up some islands, we’ve built fortresses in our lives. And, and we are going to be very dependent on the power of Christ to tear down the fortresses. Destroy those airs strips and retake the island to scrape off the leach. It is our desire to be free. I’ll have my eyes open now for a while. You keep yours closed if you don’t mind. And let me ask you some questions.

If you get the name or face of a person, if I were to ask you, do you have a root of bitterness towards someone? Is that person who perhaps raped you? A person who has abused you? A business associate did that to you? A person who ruined your career? Did that to your child? Is your ex? Bitterness that you have towards your spouse? If you get a name or a face cameras, won’t be on you now, it’s a private time. If you get a name or a face, would you just flash your hand for me very quickly, just a little quick flash. There’s a person like that in my life just up and down real quickly. Anybody who didn’t do that, there’s somebody there. You’re just acknowledging. You’re not doing anything about it. You’re just acknowledging.

Some of you are real mad at God right now, you walked in here and something’s happened you know that person was taken from you in that accident, there’s that person’s dealing with cancer. There’s that baby that was born that way. There’s your circumstance, there’s that thing at work, there’s paying the rent and God is sovereign and he’ll let this happen and you’re just mad at him. If you’ve got a beef with God right now, would you just flash your hand for me? Just up and right back down. I got a beef with God. I’ve carried it for some time. Anybody else? That’s the hard one isn’t it? That’s a tough one to, to sit here and be in God’s presence. Raise your hand and say, I am mad at you. Anybody else I’m mad at God. Flash it just quick little flash if you haven’t chance. Have your parents get a divorce when you in your in junior high? That’ll make you mad. You’re raised in an alcoholic home. That’ll make you mad. Drug abused home, sexually abused, you get real mad at God. Anybody else got a beef with God?

Some of you’re real mad at you. Remember when you did that, had lifelong consequence. Remember you’re supposed to do something you didn’t and it’s had an impact and you can’t fix it. Remember what you said you can’t fix. Gave your virginity away back when and now you know what it’s worth? You’ve been carrying that grudge against yourself for a while. You’re mad at you and you flash hand for me. I’m mad at me, been mad for a long time. Anybody else just flash your hand? Anybody need to raise their hand for any of those three issues just do it right now. Just flash your hand. You didn’t raise your hand, but you need to any of those three issues, just flash your hand, just up, right back down.

Here’s the serious side of it for 80, 85% of you, this single act will take care of your problem or 15 to 20% of you, you may need a little counseling to press on with the thing But the intent to want to resolve the issue biblically will allow you to walk out of here filled with the spirit and for that 15% of you you’ll start the process of forgiveness and for the rest of you, you’ve got the personality type that is just going to be done. It’s going to be done because you’re choosing to put the date on it. And you’re choosing to make the decision to turn the person over to Christ, regardless of what they did to you. You don’t want them owning you anymore. Price died to own their problem. He’s going to own it. You’re going to give them to him. And you’re going to give up your rights to get even.

Are you ready to unload that baggage? Are you ready to take the ownership that that person has over you away from him? Isn’t it time to get free? And if you’d like to, you’re going to put the date in your Bible, because you need that when the enemy attacks you you’ll need the date to remember that’s the date and that’s your hinge, authority of scripture, power of Jesus’s name on that date. You have the capacity now to put the two year old to bed whenever it reminds you.

I choose to forgive of that individual. I don’t have to feel like it don’t have to trust them. I don’t have to forget, but by choice, even though I don’t feel like it, I want to do what the Bible says to do. It says give it up. I choose to do that. Secondly, I don’t know why you had to go through that. The only thing I know is that we go through what we go through to help other people get through what we went through. Now I know that God can use that for good somehow and if you need to scream at him in your prayers, it’s okay. God, I don’t understand, but I don’t have to you’re God, I’m not. And I don’t want to walk out of here with enmity between us and because I don’t understand. I admit I’m the finite creature. You are the creator. You’re God. I’m not. I don’t want to go through another moment with enmity between us. I acknowledge I don’t understand but I don’t have to.

God, I’ve moved away from you. Here I come open up your arms and embrace him and just cry a little that’s okay. But walk out of here, reconciled with God. I don’t want to walk out of here feeling toward God. The way I did when I walked in. Anybody else need to raise their hand?

Last one will you quit making Christ crawl up on the cross for you? You did that once accept forgiveness. If you can’t fix it, folks let’s get on with life. Isn’t it time? Don’t let the enemy beat you over your past sin. Christ died for it. Claim it. Write the date in your Bible when he hit you again with the memory. No I dealt with that. That was on the 27th of February done deal. I can’t fix it. That’s the way it is. I’m getting on with my life. Isn’t it time to get on with it. Don’t let the devil beat you over the head accept the forgiveness that’s yours in Christ and do it right now.

I’m no longer going to hold that past sin against myself. I repent of that. I’m remorseful for having done it but it’s time to get on with life. Anybody else need to do that? Father, thank you for what you’ve chosen to do. We want to call to the light of the judgment of the holy one of Israel, Jesus Christ, himself, all principalities and powers that have been assigned to harass us as a result of our angry path. And we would ask that you would send them where Christ would have them to go so that we are no longer bound in that. Thank you for what faith in Christ and obedience to the scriptures can do and we claim it in Jesus name Thank You. Amen.

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