Why Spanking Your Kids Is Common Sense

Welcome to the New America. Dubbed ‘God’s Comic’ by the New Yorker, for 16-years, Brad Stine has been the comedic trailblazer of politically incorrect, Christian and Conservative comedy. His new show, ‘Brad Stine Has Issues’, covers cultural issues with his signature brand of comedic sarcasm and satire with insight that will be appreciated by everyone who loves laughter, liberty, and the freedom to tell the truth without fear.

Personal responsibility: the idea that bad things happen and each person controls how they react to them. The unfortunate part of life is that we always grow more out of pain than we do pleasure. 

But, kids don’t know that. They don’t know anything.

They don’t know a thing because they have grown up in a sad world that we created by not standing up and becoming warriors for truth, righteousness and goodness.

But, us older guys know better… because we were spanked when we were kids.

I’m not talking about abuse, beating or evil behavior. I’m talking about a good spank on the butt… what do you think your butt was invented for?

It’s better for a kid to get a spanking at six than to be looking for a bail bondsman at 16. I want my kids to know discipline – to know that there is a price to pay for decisions.

But, today’s world is filled with “humanism” – which, once we got rid of God, has no morals anymore, so parents have to make it up as they go along.

In fact, it was said that spanking “teaches kids how to hit”.

First off… if I’m spanking my kid, he already knows how to hit. That’s probably why he’s getting spanked, in the first place. The truth is that nobody needs to teach a kid how to hit. They need to be taught how to NOT hit.

And what’s so ridiculous is that no one even questions these “parenting experts” because they have PhD’s following their names.

But, I’ll take common sense over letters after my name any day.

It’s not that complicated.

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