The TRUTH About The Second Amendment and AR15’s

Brad Stine and Constitution expert, Rick Green, dive deep into the Second Amendment to discover the truth about the Founding Fathers and what they would have to say about AR15s, “assault weapons”, and “military-style” rifles.

The TRUTH About The Second Amendment and AR15’sWars have always happened, they’re never going to stop, and individuals will always need to protect themselves. But, do we need “assault weapons”, “military style weapons, or AR15’s? Is there anything regarding these types of weapons

Going back to the principle of the matter, many label the instinct to protect you and yours the “first law of nature”. So, the level of weapons that Americans should have the right to own should coincide with what is potentially needed to protect an individual, their family, and their possessions.

This includes the right to potentially keep a tyrannical government at bay in addition to a “typical” attack, which occurs over 1.2 million times each year in the US.

So, let’s get back to the “types” of weapons that are often debated.

First, an “Assault Weapon”. Well, from the perspective of anyone who has had any weapon of any sort drawn on them… we’re certain that they will find said weapon “assaulting”.  This could be a firearm, a knife, a chain, a rock… even a bottle opener! “Assault” is simply not a qualified adjective to use in this discussion.

Speaking of knives, “weapons of war” include these very weapons, dating back to the war for our independence to the 21st century.

According to Rick, what most people really mean when they use these descriptors are Fully Automatic Weapons. Well, first off, of the over 50,000 permitted automatic weapons, not a single one has been used in any heinous crime in the US. These violent crimes are being committed with shotguns, handguns, and non-automatic AR15’s and AK47’s.  So, what we really need to consider is what people are understandably afraid of. They see extreme violence and they don’t want it to occur in their communities, nor any community throughout the US.

Well, the way to stop a bad guy with a weapon – no matter what that weapon may be – is to have a weapon similar to theirs and meet force with force.

The true problem is not the weapons, but the hearts of the bad guys who commit these heinous crimes. What we need to do is train and arm more good citizens and make sure that there are people in every situation, at every moment, prepared to stop a shooter.

You see, even if we could take all the guns away from all the bad people in the country, they are still bad people and history shows that they would still find another method to harm others – knives, fists, cars, or rocks.

If you’re interested in arms training, join Brad and Rick at Front Sight!

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