The ‘People of Color’ HOAX!

The leftist hoax is up! “People of Color” is a myth used to divide and control the masses. Feel free to disagree and toss some colorful language my way. I’ll be here all day.

The 'People of Color' HOAXToday we’re going to talk about colored people, or people of color or people that happen to have a color or color that’s attached to people in a colorful way or anyone for that matter that when observing themselves notice that have a particular chromatism…in other words ALL OF US!!

Have you ever heard this phrase uttered in the context of history class:

“Today we need to talk about the accomplishments of people of color.”

Let me explain something to you, my fellow Americans. In the entire history of the human race a color has never accomplished anything, EVER! Human beings have accomplished incredible things, the use of ideas by human beings have accomplished things, human behavior has accomplished things and people of courage and virtue utilizing philosophies and hopes and dreams have accomplished things. But not a skin color!

Skin can’t accomplish anything since it doesn’t have a brain. Skin just keeps our organs from sloshing around while we try to change the world. Skin is just along for the ride. 

Some people refer to themselves as people of color. Ummm what does that mean exactly? 

Look, I have a color too! Why exclude me? Why the segregation, what am I…. translucent? 

Thanks be to God who invented colors that He chose to display in all of us with different colors and shades just like flowers, and trees and bruises. Otherwise instead of creation being like a box of crayons, we’d be more like a roll of cellophane – useful perhaps, but rarely used for wrapping gifts. If you wrapped a present in cellophane there would be no surprise and let’s face it, what makes humans interesting is we are chock full of surprises?! 

The reason I take issue with the idea of isolating yourself into a category of color is it indirectly segregates humans by a trait they had nothing to do with. 

We hear talk we need a colorblind society, which I agree with, and then progressives take great pains to remind us how different we are and how are color is an obstacle. Of course, Progressives use color as a dog whistle for races and therein lies a bigger problem. 

Did you know there is actually only one race? Yeah, it’s called the human race and that’s it! That’s the way God made it but leave it to humanity to muck up the simplest of concepts in order to make it even easier to find a way to hate each other. 

You see, as I have said before, when it comes to most cultural issues, Conservatives and Progressives want the same thing – we just go about the solution in diametrically opposed ways. Conservatives seek solutions that will work and stand the test of time, which is what Conservatism means, to “CONSERVE” the wisdom of the ages and ideas that have proven successful. 

Progressives usually seek solutions that they come up with off the cuff, simply because it fits easily on a bumper sticker or a protest placard! Progressivism should always be suspect because it presumes its perspective is making progress that can only be evaluated by them and their utopian vision of the world. 

You see, Progressives tend to live in the world they pretend to be true; Conservatives live in the world as it is. Progressives always need a victim that is being exploited or they would have nothing to fight for. While the rest of us want to move on from categorizing people as a color and just evaluate them by their character, the progressive literally needs to keep people in a perpetual downtrodden state in order to prove their point that some people are… downtrodden. 

Folks, there is one concept you need to always seek whenever anyone begins to try and isolate a particular group: Who’s in charge and who is trying to gain power? 

Not equality mind you, I believe all people deserve the chance to have equal opportunity. 

But, every political concept is somebody, no matter what color they are, seeking power. Of course power in the hands of a noble king can be wielded fairly and virtuously. But let’s face it, usually the person in power has one goal in mind..How to keep you from having it. 

So I say to all my fellow people of color… since we all have one… How about we start seeking what we have in common, seeing each other as equals and quit separating our potential unity by creating false categories of what it means to be human? 

If that’s too un-PC for you to take I’m sure you’ll throw some colorful language my way to show your outrage. Too late I’m afraid, the jig is up, we’re onto you and your desire to control language to make the rest of us bow to your tyranny is over. Catching the shade I’m tossing?

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