The Left’s War On Words and How To Fight It

Let’s talk about the ACTUAL meaning of words and what the Left is doing to create chaos and instill fear.

This episode is going to be an awesome display of my awesome talent to awesomely point out the awesome inability of some Christians to expand their vocabulary. AWESOME, HUH!!!?

The Left's War On Words and How To Fight ItI’ve noticed that for many years now the word awesome has seemed to be the go to word to help Christian speakers articulate and define an idea, a verse, an upcoming party, or missions trip. No matter what form of complexity or simplicity it took, there was one thing for was going to be AWESOME! Any questions? Awesome. Listen, if there is one concept I have fought for my entire career it is that Christians can and should be the most creative force on earth. Why? Because we are followers of the Creator of art. The ultimate Artist who crafted magnificent mountain ranges, spectacular forests, stunning oceans and waterfalls, incomprehensible universe of stars and planets, jaw dropping sunsets and sunrises, a tapestry of flowers and flora encompassing the full spectrum of colors, shade, light and dark and He did all this with just a breath of His Being spoken towards a blank canvas and manifest itself in a spectacular array of indescribable beauty and creativity never to be matched again in human history but instead become a template for us as His ultimate creation to strive to articulate in our own feeble attempt one way to worship our Lord by mimicking the creative process in the hopes of just barely touching the hem of the garment of the ultimate artist and displaying to the world what can be achieved in uplifting the human race by the use of art as a portal into the transcendent and inspire amongst our own just a glimmer of what can be achieved when ones muse is the Almighty. THAT, my friends is awesome. That is what the word was originally intended to share! Not, on the other hand a term to describe the annual bake sale. Merriam Webster who was SO awesome in taking time to write her little dictionary gave us the definition of Awesome

an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime.  There is also an archaic definition:

The power to inspire dread or terror.

But why would I spend time exploring something as seemingly mundane as the perhaps over use of a word amongst the evangelical set? Why? Because words matter! Words have gravity and mass. They can be creative or destructive and can literally change hearts, minds and behaviors by burrowing deep into our conscience and psyche and potentially move us to action or define us, shape us and control us all without firing a shot. 

Can you see why, perhaps, the word’s out of context overuse could potentially not only weaken their potential power to describe a situation, but begin the habit of dumbing down important tools of communication; so that when they are actually needed someday to move us, they have become rather placid, common and less effective? We have a responsibility, as a culture, to save the words for where they are best leveraged so that when they are unsheathed, they can do some damage or heal, depending on the context. For those of you who still may be thinking I might be over-dramatic with this exploration, let me show how some powerful words have been hijacked and watered down by their inappropriate usage and have done a disservice to those who actually endured their original meaning in real time. Ever since Donald Trump was elected President, those who despised what he stood for and those who voted for him began to use words to disparage his constituency, and in the process, insulted an entire generation of folks who had to take certain words at face value.

There are numerous insulting words that have been used, but I’m going to focus on only one right now in order to save time and words… ironically. 

The first word inappropriately used to slander Trump voters was the word, “Nazi”. Nazi is an easy word to say and to use, not to mention it is one of the few words with an A and a Z in them, which has a scrabble quality it it. But, as I have taught you in the previous episodes, whenever someone accuse you of something, your first response has to be, “Prove it!” If someone calls me a disparaging word, they better be able to back it up, or we are no longer dealing with a dialogue or even civility, but a use of a word as a cudgel to not only demean me but to diminish my dignity. If you remember, one of the techniques I always give you is to always ask people to define their terms when someone is using a word that we are both supposed to utilize together in seeking truth and clarity. Thus, I take it very seriously. This is my name and reputation you are insulting and I will protect and defend it at all costs, because my character is the one thing no tyrant can steal from me. So, what exactly is the definition of “Nazi” from Merriam Webster dictionary? (And, as you may know, Merriam was known for dictating to us what words mean!)

NAZI: a member of a German fascist party controlling Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler. 

Aha, fascist well what does that mean?

…often capitalized, a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual

(No conservative I know does that because we are fighting for the freedom to maintain our personal liberties not have them controlled by political correct bullies) 

…and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader…

(No conservative I know wants anything to do with a dictator as we are constantly fighting against communism and socialism like that in in Cuba and when we spoke out against Venezuela under Chavez for example. Both leaders admired by the LEFT I MIGHT ADD, NOT THE RIGHT)

…severe economic and social regimentation…

(Conservatives believe in the free market and very little regulation and government central planning which is the hallmark and constant failure of socialism THAT THE LEFT IS FIGHTING FOR WITH THEIR CANDIDATE RIGHT NOW!) 

…and forcible suppression of opposition 

(As I have pointed out on numerous occasions the only censorship of dissenting views in the free market, the mainstream press and academia is coming from the left!) 

But, this one example of misuse of words to stain your opponent is a typical textbook technique of the left. Accuse others of what you are doing and as they back off and waste energy trying to prove their innocence you can continue your oppression unabated. Don’t feel guilty, by the way. Remember what the left is taught. Everybody that disagrees with you are not wrong they are evil. Evil needs to be destroyed so as you destroy conservatives and Christians you are doing the world a great service. So remember my fellow freethinkers. Use words wisely, expose those who call you disparaging words as the ones who are actively engaged in the behavior they ascribe to you, and educate yourself in the techniques of political correctness and its only purpose. To destroy the west and create a utopia in the form of Marxism that has historically proven to always actually become a DYSTOPIA. 

A lot of big words I used there! Aren’t I AWESOME!!!

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