REBUTTAL: Conservatives Aren’t Funny?

Brad makes the case for Conservative comedy! YES, we are funny.

REBUTTAL: Conservatives Aren't Funny?If you are easily triggered, can I give you a suggestion? 

Start by not referring to your mental disorder as “being triggered”. Because nothing triggers the infant-class like a gun. Triggers come from guns! So,every time you are triggered, you are literally reminding yourself of something that triggers you. 

In other words, you are shooting yourself in the foot with your nomenclature and you used a trigger to do so! You are literally triggering yourself every time you are triggered simply by mentioning it! 

If you didn’t find that funny, or ironic, then when it comes to the death of liberty…you are the problem!! 

You see, one of the biggest destructions to culture PC has caused is teaching younger Americans how not to have a sense of humor! They have destroyed the beautiful nuance and danger of comedy when it really is useful by making fun of ideas, people and concepts that are different to ours! 

Now, some would say to me, for example: You can’t make fun of a woman because you are a guy. Wait, that’s exactly why I should be able to. It shows an egalitarianism that is crucial for comedy in culture! If one male comic can’t laugh at the idiosyncrasies of a female, then what good is comedy? If that were the rule all along, Richard Prior would never have had a career. 

Comedy has always been most useful when dangerous, as it was able to comment on culture for its foibles. 

Here’s where it has gotten sticky, though. Over the years, because I am Christian and conservative, I have been in numerous interviews regarding the topic, “Why aren’t conservatives funny? Have you ever wondered why we don’t get our own Daily Show or sitcom?  I mean, conservatives and Christians combined would represent the majority of Americans. So is it true we aren’t funny? If so, why? I know the answer, but if you are a progressive, you will be unable or unwilling – literally – to grasp the answer. 


Nothing is more self righteous and hypocritical than the idea that progressives not only say conservatives aren’t funny, but they have the audacity to justify that because they believe they are the arbiters of funny! 

Comedy is subjective, by the way, so there is no more sure way to prove the immaturity and childish character of another American then to examine this one test to prove if you are mature and deserve to walk among us.

Are you able to laugh at yourself? The answer from the progressive is of course a resounding..NO! 

But, instead of getting introspective and coming to grips with this reality, progressives use a strategy to justify their perspective. They say that comedy only works if you punch up, not down. 

The comic was the one, historically, allowed to make fun of the king and not get his head cut off. Thus if you are in power, you can’t joke about people who aren’t. 

But, keep in mind, I am not talking about belittling or mocking others; I’m talking about laughing at our differences! Stereotypes are funny sometimes because they have a ring of truth to them. Humans are different even though the progressive finds that scientifically proven fact… offensive. 

Thank God that He made us different colors, shapes and sizes. Could you imagine a world where everyone looked like me? Think of the angst of the magazine editors trying to decide who the Sexiest Man in the World was… it would be a toss up every time. 

But enough about my attractiveness. 

We were exploring the idea of punching up not down. Well, here’s the truth. We now know that Google, Twitter, Facebook, mainstream media, television networks and film studios censor and ban conservative ideas, personalities and websites. This isn’t ambiguous or up for grabs. We aren’t still looking into the issue. THIS IS REALITY. 


Why? Because they are UP! They control the dissemination of ideas so to joke about them IS punching up! Yet, where were the jokes about president Obama in eight years in office? He was as UP as it gets, yet was there nothing funny or dumb that he did? Do you need to search any further than his choice of jean styles or his running mate! 

You see, punching up is wonderful until you are the one being punched! This is why in university, children are taught that joking about difference is no longer a good spirited way to gain maturity…no, now it’s evil and triggering. 

I don’t even know how we can begin to make a more spineless, immature and fragile American than what the universities are spitting out daily. 

So, in order to be PCFree, I for one am calling you on it. PCFree is LIB-ER-TY! 

So here’s a little science experiment for the 1% of progressives that still believe in science, even when it contradicts their feelings. If someone jokes about how white men can’t dance… do you laugh? How about women that like to shop more than men; or black people don’t swim as well as white people. Still laughing? No? Then you have at least proven one thing to yourself: you are no longer free to think. You are owned by an elite class that wants to control our language, our traditions and our commonality. 

The moment you can laugh at differences and stereotypes and both parties give you permission as a sign of unity and maturity we as Americans can return to freedom from political correctness that is killing us. 

This is God’s comic Brad Stine and remember PCFree is Lib-er-ty!!

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