OF COURSE, Slavery Exists in AMERICA Today!

Brad delves into the new slavery in America today. Can you guess what it is?

Today, we discuss slavery and the Founding Fathers: Did they have slaves?! Who didn’t in 1770’s? Then Christians came along and started shoving their “let’s end slavery beliefs” down everyone’s throat. Ohh those Bible thumpers!

Let’s talk about the Founding Fathers for a minute, shall we? You need to understand the Founders of America if you want to understand America. Why? Because America was their idea, so give them their props and I’ll give you a few things educated people should know about them. The Founders implemented as the bedrock of America values three categories that PC has intentionally singled out as oppressive. 

Remember, I have been teaching you about cultural Marxism and one of the strategies for it to work is to destroy the foundations of what does work. Thus democratic republic, or rule of the people must be destroyed and replaced with rule of the state. Capitalism,  Freedom to own private property and to achieve as much wealth as your willing to work for must be destroyed by stealing your profit from hard work and redistributing it to those that don’t work, or aren’t as proficient as you, thus crippling your incentive TO work, and ultimately the state will come in and pay people to behave and submit their freedom to the new slave holders now known as big government. 

But there is a problematic issue the left has with our Founders that is true: They owned slaves. 

First off, the term owned slaves is redundant. If you have a slave you own them. There was no leasing of slaves nor could you rent a slave…well, unless you include indentured servitude which is like renting yourself out for brutal manual labor in order to, in a few years, pay off your  passage to America, or nowadays..your student loans. Kind of like our modern day version of Molly Maids without having the option of going home when you’re done with the dishes. But instead, you have to go sleep in the shed. 

Now, most people realize that the founders were very smart. So, how did they miss the fact that they owned slaves while writing the Declaration of Independence that included the phrase “We find these truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights amongst which are, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”?

Apparently, the Founders were smart enough to create a document that has created more freedom for more humans than any other country in history by dignifying the individual, but were too stupid to realize it also applied to them? 

Notice the word used as the impetus to the whole concept. The Founders believed that slavery was wrong not because men are innately noble and would come to the conclusion that slavery was wrong on their own, but instead would need a little nudge from a higher source. The appeal to the God of the Bible was the reason slavery was inevitably destined to be eliminated, interesting when some have tried to use the bible to justify slavery. 

But the Bible never justified slavery. It just tried to guide a culture that already had it to treat slaves as having the same dignity their owners had. 

Thus, that’s why we also ended slavery in America! If the Founders thought slavery was good, why would they create a document that condemned it? 

By the way, the Founders didn’t invent slavery. Throughout history, every nation, tribe and group have had a turn at being a slave. As a matter of fact, there are approximately 46 million slaves in the world today! The top slave holder is India, then China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, North Korea, the list goes on. So the harsh reality seems to be it is normal for humans to make slaves of others. 

America didn’t invent slavery, humanity did! If you are human, no matter your color, some of your ancestors somewhere had a slave or were one.

So, if you’re blaming slavery hundreds of years ago on your station in life today, I have a sobering truth: You’re NEVER going to be free. Because slavery comes in different forms, but it always has the same result: Someone is implementing power and control over someone else. 

So, since slavery is historically normal, whose philosophy stopped it? I mean, Darwinism makes it very clear there are no moral rules in nature: “Do as you choose and if you are strong enough to dominate, you get too.” 

Well, in the West, it took Christians to define humans as intrinsically valuable, thus putting all humans on equal footing in the eyes of God. Because of Christianity’s revelation to man, we learned that owning another human is immoral.You see, a slave owner gets to tell you what you can learn and what you can’t. What you can do for work and what you can’t. What you can read. What you can eat. Where you can go, and where you can’t. You get to make no decisions without the master’s approval. So, essentially, to be a slave means that someone else gets to define your personhood, your autonomy, and even your conscience. Someone else gets to literally control who you are while you are their property. 

So ask yourself this question: Is there slavery in America today? 

OF COURSE, Slavery Exists in AMERICA Today!Just observe… Is there any group telling you what you may or may not think? Because if there are, and you succumb to their demands, they own you. When you hear someone speak about slavery today everyone agrees it’s immoral. So, do you not see any irony whatsoever in the fact that the only people in the U.S. that now want to control the thoughts, freedoms and autonomy of fellow Americans are Progressive Leftists that say the Founding Fathers were evil for having slaves?!?! In other words, people who try to control other people’s freedoms are evil. The only people in America saying you can’t speak on a University Campus are Leftists! The only people claiming your religious beliefs are a smoke screen for discrimination are Leftists! The only people claiming that if your conscience says you cannot participate in funding abortion that you are anti-woman are Leftists! The only people censoring ideas they can’t control are Leftists. They are so good at owning others’ freedoms, that they have literally fooled themselves into thinking they are the only people that are virtuous! 

Remember, the Bible says that there are none so blind as he who will not see

Remember what we have learned today: Beware of people who malign the Founding Fathers who owned slaves – which was normal to 1700’s culture – but then don’t give them credit for creating a country that would have to eventually END slavery. A bloody war ensued to show what lengths Americans were willing to go to free people that couldn’t free themselves. 

If, on the other hand, you let certain Americans control your freedom by focusing on the past as though that is who we are today , to justify returning America to slavery by owning you and your family, and your freedom of religion, and your freedom of conscience, then don’t blame me. I warned you. So how sacred do you treasure Liberty?

Someone can try to make a slave of me, but I’m onto them! As for me and my house…we don’t play that!! PCFree is liberty.

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