No More Apologizing

No More ApologizingI would like to apologize to anyone who is about to be offended by my mocking of apology culture by letting you know I’m not apologizing for what you’re about to hear……”

What has happened to America?! Anybody tired of the forced apologies we hear on a regular basis? There was a celebrity that stated he thought 3 year old kids were too young to be able to assess what gender they were and perhaps parents should assist in that being as they made him and all. This dude was then attacked for believing this reality and succumbed to an apology. For what?!! 3 year old kids are too young to swim unattended, 3 year olds are too young to play with knives, 3 year olds are too young to drive, too young to dress themselves too young to vote, too young to skydive to young to iron too young do surgery too young to be lion tamers, and too young to mow the lawn, but somehow they have the maturity to decide what gender they are before they are even close to puberty! Perhaps adults that think life altering decisions can be made at  3 should be forced to apologize for being psychotic.

Apologies used to be saved for when you either said or did something mean or insensitive ON PURPOSE, This is the apology that was often premised with an added word to prove your sincerity especially if your insincere (“I am SO sorry) So as in sewing a rip as in let me fix that, apologies often come by way of assuming guilt. If you have done something wrong, you should apologize by expressing remorse and admitting responsibility. Sometimes we apologize if we say or do something mean or insensitive even w/o our knowledge “I’m sorry I cut you off in traffic without even having the courtesy of a turn signal but please keep in mind I had some important texting I needed to attend to. Sometime sorry was designed to apologize while letting you know your kind of a baby..”I’m sorry you feel that way” which in ancient celtic is translated “any time you decide to grow up and live in the world of adulthood…feel free!…we’re waiting”)

Although apologies are best delivered in person. American’s widespread use of technology is making digital apologies more commonplace, and individual courage and face to face honor less so.

But keep in mind that apologies used to come from personal self reflection and need for honor. Now apologies have become weaponized. People demand an apology from someone or some entity in order to create a premise of wrongdoing in order to extract not so much an apology but either a reward or the offended’s ability to silence and control the offendee. Remember always look to see who is claiming power or trying to garner it. Then you will know who the slave master is. In Christianity, apology or repentance is designed to first acknowledge God is the final arbiter and we owe Him our humbleness as only He can fully forgive. Without God as the authority for right wrong it becomes a cultural convention and some person will gain control over another. Since I treasure Liberty and free speech no one gets to mischaracterize my POV and then leverage it by making me grovel to their god and idol of political correctness. You’re not stealing free speech from me without a fight.

Oh and by the way if any of this segment offended you or hurt your feelings please look at me carefully as I have something I want to say to you – no apologies! Remember PCFree is Liberty. Join the movement.

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