I Didn’t Write The Bible!

Hey guys, I just finished reading the Bible through in one year, and guess what…WE’RE ALL IN TROUBLE!!! “No wonder I have issues!”

Have you ever considered how many books out there are calling themselves bibles of something? There’s the Mechanics Bible, the Chefs Bible, the Plumber’s Bible, the Satanic Bible and the Atheist’s Bible. The Atheist Bible? Finally an authoritative book describing the ultimate meaning of…..meaninglessness!

So, why do so many books use the word “bible”?

Because “bible” means the ultimate, final word on something. Merriam Webster defined it – and as you know, Merriam considers her book “the bible” when it comes to defining words –

(noun): A publication that is preeminent especially in authoritativeness or wide readership. 

Preeminent: having paramount rank, dignity, or importance. Basically if it’s “the bible”, it makes the rules!!! 

So that brings me to this Bible, the first Bible, and the actual Bible.

I Didn't Write The BibleSee, this Bible… it’s a copy of the most unique book in human history. There has never been a book like it before and there will never be one after. Prove it you say? Oh you skeptics, how long must I endure you? Ok, first off, this isn’t a book! You’re saying to your screen, “But I can see it, and yet you say it’s not there? What kind of sorcery is this?”

No, it’s not a typical book written by an author and then put in the hands of a publicist whose job it is to get you on all the morning shows where people who are up that early are either leaving for work or up with the kids, which means none of them have time to read! 

But, this most amazing piece of literature was written by over 40 authors – authors that include kings (Solomon), fishermen (Peter), doctors (Luke), military leaders (Joshua), tax collectors. That’s right, even the IRS couldn’t keep their hands off this in case there was money to be made or extorted! 

The book utilized distinct literary forms like poetry, history, law, historical biographies, songs, wise sayings, letters, and of course gratuitous violence and sex. Because God needed some way to get the heathen to read it! 

It was written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Its idea’s have influenced Western Culture more than any other in history. It has prophecies that were fulfilled, historical records for anthropologists and historians to prove its historical accuracy, and is beyond measure the most printed, copied sold and distributed book in human history. It is the all time bestseller and it’s not even close… and Steven King had nothing to do with it! 

So here’s the point I’m trying to make…I didn’t write it! 

I have read it, believe it, and try to live by it. But, I had nothing to do with its contents! 

So why do some people get so mad at people who read it and believe it? 

I’ll tell you why… because it claims to be the word of God. It says there is a penalty for doing things wrong. So when I use the bible to justify my point of view, will you back off a little please? 


I get it, it says Jesus is the only way to salvation, that some behaviors are sinful and that if we abandon God’s rules, we will all pay. But, if that were true, isn’t it important that someone bring it up? I’m just warning you out of concern for your soul. I would think you would appreciate my intent? 

Like, if I read you a ransom note from a kidnapper and then suddenly I’m accused of the kidnapping? Wait… I’m informing you about the demands. I’m out!! 

So, here’s the deal: There has never been a book so unique in human history. If any book could qualify as the actual word of God I think it is by far the best candidate. Ok, so read it, think about and get some counsel if necessary because life is short, we are all terminally ill and if you die and go to hell I don’t want to hear any of your constant nagging and whining “Oh, it’s so hot, I keep getting poked with pitchforks  whaaa whaaa whaaa!”

Look, God accepted me and I’m pathetic… so jump on in. The water’s fine… and best of all, the floor’s not lava!! 

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