How to FIGHT Political Correctness!

In the wake of Ricky Gervais’ viral Golden Globes monologue, it seems appropriate to provide the general public with a refresher course on political correctness and HOW TO FIGHT it! 

Hey folks a quick warning. If you happen to be a female, black, transgender, Hunchback, lesbian, Vegan, social justice warrior, Antifa, Muslim, Albino, atheist, anti gun, global warming expert, animal rights activist, Deconstructed Christian, or progressive…you might want to change the channel!

I am a missionary to America. I have been called by God to help educate, inform and inspire those of you who are tired of being ridiculed, slandered and marginalized for your beliefs and teach you how to fight back with.

Faith, Freedom, and Philosophy…. (I realize Philosophy isn’t spelled with an F but I just needed the FFFFF sound to make it flow as well as making me sound TED Talk-ish in my skills.) But, back to me. I must admit I never anticipated that I would become a prophet to America using my comedy and satire against political correctness that started many years ago. For those of you new to my comedy, I was one of the first comics and still the only Christian comic to warn America and the church about the evil of political correctness, and do it using laughter infused with Christian worldview. That’s why so many churches bring me in for outreach events because we laugh and then examine truth! 

Recently, there have been others that have made an international impact by standing up against the nonsense of PC. One guy I love is Jordan Peterson. Then, Presidential candidate Trump began using the technique. 

Now, notice what I said years before! 

So, periodically on my show, I will be giving you weapons to defend yourself and your freedoms so let’s get to it shall we? 

How to FIGHT Political Correctness!Lesson one; Here’s a phrase I hear younger folks use all the time like a weapon. “Don’t judge me!” By which I reply…”You mean, exactly like you’re doing to me now?”

It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly easy it is to manipulate your average American when it comes to controlling their freedom. You would think nothing would be more sacred and important to an American then their free will and the freedom to exercise it in public and private whenever they choose? 

Sadly this isn’t the case! 

We have a group of Americans that have learned that they can steal other Americans freedoms anytime they choose simply by demanding they be treated in a way that they never reciprocate. For example if someone says “you can’t judge me”, there are many of you who take a pause and feel uncomfortable because you begin to battle within yourselves wondering am I judging them? Who am I to judge? 

But here is the flaw in the reasoning: Whenever someone tries to control your behavior they normally do it by invoking a moral claim. They are implying it is immoral for you to judge them. 

Ask yourself, “Where do they get their morals from?”

Whenever someone makes a moral claim, they have to justify it! This is the irony of the phrase “you can’t judge me” because the moment someone uses that phrase THEY ARE LITERALLY JUDGING YOU AND YOUR BEHAVIOR WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY HAVE JUST FORBIDDEN YOU TO DO TO THEM!! 

So rule number 1: If someone demands a specific behavior from you but exclude themselves from having to behave the same way they are by their own definition immoral and they are stealing from you! You see the only moral code humans are actually bound too is the Judeo/Christian God as that is the standard used by the west for thousands of years. One of God’s commands is judge not lest you be judged, by what measure you meet, it will be meted out to you! But in context, we are not to be hypocrites by judging others by a separate standard then what we judge ourselves. 

We judge things all the time, and we have to. 

When someone says don’t judge, they are assuming there is a standard by which we all are bound. So judging or assessing a behavior is necessary as long as it affirms what God says about a behavior. 

The Bible says drunkenness is a sin. If someone is drunk and you say it’s wrong you are agreeing with God! He made the judgment we are just passing on the info. So, you practice lesson 1 by getting used to always seeing if people ask something of you they are not willing to do themselves. 

If so, they can safely be ignored and judged. Until you do this you will be run roughshod over by those who judge themselves superior to you. You like this new freedom? Stay tuned my people; I have only begun to fight!

Be sure to subscribe to Brad Stine Has Issues’ YouTube Channel so that you don’t miss a moment of Brad’s shenanigans both in front of and behind the scenes!

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