How Should You Vote? Examining the Criteria That Matters Most… 

Let’s work backward by examining first the criteria that matters most when electing the President of the United States.

Welcome to the New America. Dubbed ‘God’s Comic’ by the New Yorker, for 16-years, Brad Stine has been the comedic trailblazer of politically incorrect, Christian and Conservative comedy. His new show, ‘Brad Stine Has Issues’, covers cultural issues with his signature brand of comedic sarcasm and satire with insight that will be appreciated by everyone who loves laughter, liberty, and the freedom to tell the truth without fear.

Howdy folks. Here’s my question. How do you decide who you vote for in presidential elections? Secondly, why don’t you just choose the person I do it would make it a lot easier on all of us.Skeptical? C’mon in.

Many of you may not of heard about this but we have a very important presidential election coming up shortly and so I thought I would spend a moment examining what criteria should be considered when voting for the person that will become the most powerful leader on earth. The first thing you always need to remember is that we are a constitutional republic. Republic means rule of the people so if you are human you fall in the category of the people. So the first criteria you should examine would be does the person you are going to vote for represent your POV? Remember, because we vote for people to carry our voice to congress and the senate we should be very sober in considering that how they defend and implement certain concerns, laws and traditions of our country you are approving of. They are your representative and so when you see your candidate make a speech or buy a bagel or kiss a baby, that is you. So number one, do they represent YOUR concerns and desires for the functioning of this great nation? 2) Are they strict adherents to the constitution? Remember that even though they represent your voice and desires they are bound by the rulebook the founders put in place so we would know what we are allowed to do and what we aren’t allowed to do in order to remain as consistent and fair in regards to maintaining order and defending the freedoms and liberties of the entire country as possible. 3rd, every president could possibly be nominating another supreme court judge. This is incredibly important because of the three branches of government instituted by the constitution to separate the powers and remain a check and balance on each other, none of these has done more damage, has made more blunders has used their position to inculcate their personal POV over the original intent of the constitution than the judiciary. The founders believed that the judicial branch was actually the weakest of the three because all they were expected to do was not make laws, not redefine laws, not edit the constitution or read into it ideas and concepts that were never there, but were only there to make sure that the lawMAKING branch , the congress, simply made no laws that breached the, are you ready ORIGINAL INTENT OF THE CONSTITUTION!! If you think I am being overdramatic just keep in mind that everyone who reads the constitution sees clearly that  FOR EXAMPLE, all human beings are equal and deserve to be free based on the dignity given them by their creator. Which is apparently how the supreme court in 1857 in the Dred Scott decision reached the conclusion that slavery was ok? Also keep in mind that for 150 years the freedom a state or even the federal government had in using tax payer dollars to secular AND religious institutions was considered fair and balanced.Even Jefferson signed treaties to send Christian ministers to native Americans. Yet suddenly in 1947 the supreme found that treating religious schools equally in regards to funding for bus vouchers for sending students to religious schools ,which BTW allowed the freedom for all Americans secular and religious to equally share in where their taxes were distributed was unconstitutional. Up until then it wasn’t. What happened? The supreme court decided to find a law that was never there before to institute a new version of the constitution so their secular POV could be established. Fair? Of course not, but that is why getting supreme court justices that are originalists, that is interpret laws through the prism of the original intent of the constitution is the only way we can maintain consistency and allow the most amount of freedom for the most amount of Americans.  We need a woman president, we need a gay president etc. Never mentioned is 1) their competence, 2) their experience. Please keep in mind that the single most important right in the Constitution is the first line. The freedom of religion. Now you might think I am prejudice because I am a Christian but you would be in error. The reason it is the most important is because it represents the freedom of CONSCIENCE. It deserves the most protection because it allows the secular and religious the most fair and equal treatment under the law. BTW, I hope you have noticed the criteria I am exploring here in regards to what is most important in a president? Notice that I haven’t told you who to vote for or anything about the candidate other than the only thing that should matter, their philosophy in regards to America, our constitution and the good of the people. But let me tell you what should be considered irrelevant in your choice. What we don’t need is the first woman president. We don’t need to first gay president or the first black woman or Hispanic or the first transgendered president. You see to categorize candidates based on a physical trait, or gender trait or behavioral trait has absolutely nothing to do with the most important feature necessary for a great leader. COMPETANCY!! Keep in mind that one of the many reasons leftism is so damaging to society is because it values group distinctions over proven experience and philosophical acumen. Remember, it is the left that instituted the idea that we need to lower the bar for college admissions in order to help out minorities that might be excluded because they aren’t doing as well in testing. Can you possibly be more condescending, racist and arrogant as to belittle others based on race by claiming how sensitive and protective you are of other races than your own? So let me leave you with this. If you truly care about freedom in America, fairness, jobs, defense, Liberty and civility then you are going to have to vote for the person that not only champions those ideals but has a track record of actually implementing them when they were in a position to do so. America is on the brink of potentially imploding forever. This experiment isn’t over yet, and it is volatile. Vote your conscience folks but do us all a favor, pray that we are able to continue as a nation that sees each other in all our variables as Americans. If you don’t love the country that has given you this privilege, you are the problem.

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