Feminists Protesting NUDE?!

Brad challenges the rationale of “empowered feminists” who protest nude.

If you are a women who demands respect and not be seen as a sexual object, and you make this point by protesting topless…I have a revelation for you…You’re an idiot!

Feminists Protesting NUDE?!Have you ever noticed when women protest nude it always comes with the caveat “we are empowering ourselves”? When has anyone ever felt more powerful being nude? Because, if it actually makes you more powerful, then shouldn’t we be using it every time we need to conquer someone or accomplish a difficult task? 

Asking for that big raise: “Mr Beemish, I believe my work here at the company speaks for itself and I hope you see how much I mean business by the fact that I’m not wearing pants!”

With this nude super power, shouldn’t armies forego their uniforms and fight au natural, since it apparently makes them invincible? It would work. If I was in a firefight and suddenly hundreds of nude men began rushing towards me…I’d surrender. 

You win… all yours… just don’t touch me as I go home and try to bleach these images out of my eyes!

You’ll notice that men never protest naked for a couple reasons. The first is the most obvious – naked men are hideous. There is not a part on a man’s body another man is interested in looking at. That’s why there is so much less nude art of men then of women. Because historically, men were the artists and when they began sculpting a naked man, they wanted to get finished as soon as possible – if for no other reason then to send the model home with the promise he would keep this to himself. Michelangelo’s David may be one of the few naked sculptures of a man considered a masterpiece, but the unfortunate positioning of his crotch at eye level has caused many a man to rush through the line looking for the food court asap! 

Would you like a hot dog sir?

No thanks. Just a barf bag please! 

Plus, being naked for a man is impractical because I would have nowhere to put my wallet for the Uber ride home from the protest. The protest, I might add, that no one would have taken seriously because a naked man is just not intimidating! 

Naked people on a whole are just impossible to take seriously. 

Which brings me back to the subject at hand: women protesting naked. For some reason, virtually every protest from women that is supposed to involve feminism and equality is done in the buff. Again, they will justify it by saying, “We are taking back our power! We are owning our own sexuality. We refuse to be treated as sex objects anymore and are done being stared at just for our bodies; and we are going to drive that point home by exposing our bodies to every leering man within binoculars’ distance!”

They obliviously use their bodies to get their points across.. no pun intended. 

Protesting you don’t want to be reduced to just a naked body by leveraging your naked body to draw attention to yourself is like protesting gravity by jumping out of a plane without a parachute. Sure, you’ll draw attention to yourself in making your point; but it is not going to end well. 

PETA, for example, has used ads showing naked women in cages denouncing the plight of caged animals. It usually comes with some inspired message like “I would rather be naked than wear fur.” Yes, equating woman as caged animals is always the best metaphor for lifting up feminine dignity. 

Feminist protests normally come under the social Marxist, (i.e. bourgeoisie/proletariat –oppressor/oppressed) preconception that all human history is a misogynistic social structure that is elitist, sexist and discounting of anyone else. 

In other words, some women believe that history is only oppressive to women and that no woman is happy unless she is treated like a man. Now granted, there is no question historically that men rule the world when it comes to who is in the majority of leadership positions, as well as which gender tends to have a monopoly on public policy, laws and social norms. 

This is as it should be, because the Bible tells us that God called men to be leaders of nations as well as our families.


Of course, there are women out there right now screaming at their computer, ”YOU CAN’T SAY THAT!”  Which is exactly what motivates me to say the stuff I say… because others tell me it’s forbidden. 

And, if you care about freedom of speech, male or female, you better be championing my liberty even as you prepare to protest it. I promise I won’t stop you, and you don’t stop me… welcome to freedom and justice for all! Sticky isn’t it?

Listen, history has shown that men have been used to create the most important documents in history, from the Bible to the Constitution, the Mayflower Compact to 99% of all inventions and new ideas. This doesn’t mean women have not contributed immense value in society as well as science and literature because they have! 

No one disputes that nor would the world be as advanced as it has become without the insight, understanding and abilities of women throughout the ages. Will you relax!

This isn’t an observation on either gender being more important or necessary in completing or seeking to complete God’s redemptive process on the earth. I am well aware of my shortcomings and am grateful that my wife is my partner and co-equal in order to give me the feminine perspective on life. God even said man was not complete until women were created and then, and only then, did God say it “is very good”.

But I do want to make women aware of one thing: I don’t care how noble your cause or how truthful your perspective may be, if you really care about an issue, let me give you a tip from a male perspective. If you say or do anything while you are naked… men aren’t listening. What we are doing is staring at your boobs.

And by the way, If that word is too much for you to handle, please don’t comment or even listen to me. Because I do NOT WANT YOU ON MY TEAM. THERE ARE PLENTY OF SITES WHERE LEGALISTS CAN PROVE THEIR SUPERIOR UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE AND HOW RIGHTEOUS THEY ARE!

SO, back to naked. 

Any in depth analysis or revelation you have is going to be lost on us as your nudeness is going to take precedence over your passion. 

Men love to look at naked women and it is why the porn industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that caters to men’s lust. The industry is aimed at men and our fallen nature to lure us into the sweetness of forbidden fruit. Women know this and yet some of them speak out of one side of their mouth demanding respect for their brains, and then are naïve enough to believe that baring their breasts is somehow empowering? 

By the way, have you noticed the men aren’t complaining?

Any and all true advancement in women’s issues came out of noble and virtuous women who demanded respect from their rational and reasonable dialogue, not from a halter top. 

So in the future, if you are looking to instill respect and dignity to any cause touted by women, let me speak for all the men when I say that if you do it by parading around naked, I promise you… we ain’t listening.

Just looking.

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