Everything Wrong With Multiculturalism!

Brad breaks down everything wrong with multiculturalism and examines what REALLY makes America great.

Let’s talk about multiculturalism!! Which means you better brush up on your Swahili!

America is the greatest nation in human history. It’s the most homogenous, eclectic and diverse nation on earth. It has provided more freedom, more opportunity for more individuals from every nation, tribe and culture to get wealth and success and more altruism to other nations – even those that hate us – than any other nation on earth. 

This isn’t hyperbole mind you, it’s documented facts. 

Notice I said documented facts. I never use undocumented facts since that would be illegal. 

Is America a nation of racists and bigots? Of course not. How do I know? Because if it was, nobody from other countries would want to come here. Brown people would avoid us, girl people would avoid us, African people would get to our shores and just keep heading to Australia. All these potential immigrants would have gotten wind of all the internment camps and the public stonings and incarcerations for years without legal representation and would have chosen a different land to migrate to. 

I mean, how stupid do you think immigrants are, how little do you think of these people that you believe they would willingly choose to come and hopefully offer their labor and talents to a nation that’s worse and more corrupt and abusive and racist and bigoted than the one they’re leaving?

There are many unique factors that have made America the land of opportunity. Notice, by the way, that the land of opportunity is just one of the many unique monikers given to this nation that other nations much older and more established have never garnered. 

Another is The American Dream.  There is no Czechoslovakian dream. There is no North Korean dream. There isn’t even a French Riviera dream – which one would think might be a candidate for a beautiful place to migrate, yes? 

But one of the absolute unquestionable factors that helped create our American success, outside of the obvious Declaration of independence and the Constitution, is the fact that America is great because of its diversity. America, as a nation, is not that old compared to Italy, Greece, Egypt, or Mesopotamia. America was founded and established originally by British folks who existed as a nation hundreds of years before some of them decided they needed a break from steak and kidney pie and tea every afternoon. 

I mean how bad do these people want to pee on purpose…..seriously! If I ever have a need for a bladder transplant, I’m surely not going to be choosing any donors from Britain because what with the constant tea consumption only to take what little breather the bladder might have had to regroup…. it’s suddenly hit with an onslaught of Ale from the local pub. I’ll be taking my bladder from the arid nations where water is a commodity and the bladder rarely gets used even if they want to. It probably comes with the advert… low mileage. 

So, what we have in America is a country that was grateful and gracious to its immigrants because we needed their experience and history of productive foods and gardening and machines and whatever else they had figured out to add to the collective milieu! Even some of our very American cultural heritage we gave back to the world like country music and jazz and the blues came as a result of violins and guitars and banjos coming from the old country or Africa. And it was an amalgamation of some of these songs and styles that slowly birthed their own unique artistic colors and flavors to add to the landscape of the arts. The foods and use of cooking techniques and spices and flavors were first discovered over there and brought in to the new country where the new arrivals never wanted to forget where they came from even while doing everything they could to learn the new language, customs and traditions of this magical land where gold could be found lying on the streets and the land stretched out to infinity. 

It was by the intentional integration of legal immigration that we have become capable of being so diverse without abandoning our own foundational principles that was necessary for you to become American. 

This is EXACTLY why one of the techniques the political correct adherents implement  to destroy us is the redefining of our history – as somehow only oppressive and colonial without ever acknowledging the constant growth and change and desire to become more of what our Declaration guaranteed… even though it would take years to even begin to get there. 

But one thing we knew for sure we needed from the getgo were immigrants to bring the best of their nation, be proud of their heritage and then…BECOME ONE OF US!! 

You see, to melt into our Judeo/Christian, Western perspective, Democratic Republic, we need a house that is not divided. Because Americans are so unique in their countries of origin that we created a standard, or rulebook, to let you know how to become part of our family and household – because you’re going to have to give away your ultimate loyalty to where you were… to help us become who we can be. 

Notice part of the Frankfurt School’s intellectuals technique I’ve been teaching you about is to apply what was known as “critical theory” to the west – or in this case, America and its traditions – by creating the false narrative that America was built on racism and oppression. If you choose to accept that narrative because it makes you feel better by thinking of yourself as a victim instead of a victor, then that is your choice. But, no one can save you from yourself. 

Everything Wrong With Multiculturalism!One of the emphases of PC is to raise up the ideology of multiculturalism. If multicultural simply meant there are lots of cultures out there, that would be one thing. But instead, multiculturalism, through PC dogma, teaches that all cultures are equally valid and equally good – which again begs the question, “Why leave where you came from if you’re not getting a better deal here?” 

When multiculturalists start getting approval to teach their ideology in Saudi Arabia or China or North Korea, let me know and I might give you a hearing. Until then, I expose you for what you are… America haters… committed to recreate America in your cultural Marxist image. 

America’s motto has succeeded because our motto has never been multicultural, even though we were built by a multitude OF cultures. Our motto is “e pluribus unum”: OUT OF MANY….ONE! 

In conclusion, are we immigrants? You bet! Could we have been great without immigrants? No way! Why did it work? Because Immigrants…. Had… to… integrate! By the way, those who came here knew that coming in… and were proud to accommodate. Why? Because they CHOSE to be AMERICANS!!!

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