Being made in the image of God means that we are to reflect His holy and righteous character. Therefore, every person's life is sacred because we are all fellow image-bearers of the one who made us.
Marie Kondo's Netflix show has everyone buzzing online about decluttering…and determining whether their home is filled with items that “spark joy.” Yet, we’re asking, “Does your LIFE spark joy?”
If this humble servant of the Lord from a poverty, war and disease torn country has spiritual armor strong enough to stand up against the flaming arrows of popular culture and the “church elite” from the U.S., WHY, as Bible-believing Evangelicals from a free and prosperous America, don’t WE?!
It is within your ability to stop wasting your time. But simply saying your want to is merely empty speech. People say many things, feel many things, think many things, but a decisive test is fruit.
The Protestant Reformation first came to Seville in the form of a person - Juan Gil, known as “Doctor Egidio" - then in the Spanish Bible, translated by Juan Pérez de Pineda in 1556.