What are you filled with? Imagine your life is a glass. Now fill it with the Holy Spirit (water), but there’s a constant drip of oil (sin) that continually tops…
No junior higher should ever have to ask God a question like this. But that is exactly the question one middle school student asked when given the opportunity. “If you…
Are you ready to have a life-changing discussion? And believe me, I don’t use that term “life-changing” lightly. There is nothing clichéd about that. In this PODCAST, you are about to…
This week, I’m joined again by my father-in-law, Pastor Bob Erickson. And, just like so many of our podcasts, we start out talking about football – specifically instant replay. In…
What should you do when you and your spouse have different parenting styles, resulting in different rules and unfair treatment of your children? What happens when your spouse has an…
When I invite someone to church, I get uncomfortable. Most of the time, I don’t even really invite them. I merely mention my church one too many times and they…
Suzanne Lederer leads us in connecting with God through Lectio Divina, or “Sacred Reading”. Romans 6:6-11 (The Message) Could it be any clearer? Our old way of life was nailed…
Deciding to jump and actually jumping are two different decisions. You see, someone can only tell what you believe by what you do, not by what you say. This principle…