Gaming Episode with Zach

The guys are unpacking the topic of gaming. Everything from coin-operated antique games to console gaming, PC gaming, and handheld devices like your phone. There is a ton of great info in this episode so we hope you enjoy!

There are over 2 billion gamers spending over $100 billion dollars each year.

Gaming Episode with ZachThis makes the gaming market similar to many nations. In other words, gaming isn’t going away.

But, why would people pay so much money to reach new levels of Candy Crush? Or spend hundreds of dollars for the next version of Fallout? Or new skins for Fortnite?

The answer is “gamification” – which quickly leads to gaming addiction, as gamers begin to associate gaming principles to their daily interactions!

Now, don’t misunderstand… not all gaming leads to unhealthy lifestyles (while many gamers do develop some level of unhealthy addiction). Some are actually cathartic and social by their very nature. However, like anything that can lead to a danger zone, gaming needs to be handled properly with a Christian worldview.

Now, I get where many pastors come from when they preach against gaming, telling their congregants to “get out of their mother’s basement and get a job!” But the truth is that gaming is an undeniable force within our culture. It can’t be simply swept away with a sermon note of “don’t do this anymore”.

Which brings us to this: the untapped arena of Christianity in Gaming. Can gaming influencers spread the Gospel?

As the Bible says:

Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt so that you may know how to answer everyone. (Colossians 4:6)

(By All Out War Podcast. Discovered by Christian Podcast Central and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Christian Podcast Central, and audio is streamed directly from their servers.)

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