Christianity and Homosexuality

All Out War is a podcast dedicated to all things related to theology, culture, and politics.

On this episode, the guys tackle a listener’s question – how should a Christian approach the topic of homosexuality, especially when dealing with a loved one or friend?

Christianity and HomosexualityNow, before we begin to look at what the Bible has to say about this and how it applies to our lives, remember: Whenever God pronounces something as sin, He is so good, He always provides a way out. Always.

Jesus tells us that we, as humans, are lacking an identity that doesn’t come from our sexuality, political choices, or other driving forces in our lives. No, the identity that we are designed for can only be found in Jesus Christ, by repenting, giving Him the steering wheel of our lives and following His will for our lives.

Specifically in regards to homosexuality, the Bible is quite clear on several things… including lying, stealing, truthfulness, drunkenness… and homosexuality. It even goes so far as to discuss sexual relationships between men and men, women and women, men and their step-mothers, people and the neighbors… even animals.

God’s word is really NOT VAGUE about these things.

It’s up to us to strive to obey His will and design for our lives.

But should we, as Christians, have gay friends?


In fact, we should love them and demonstrate God’s love for them… and NOT go after their sin, pointing out their “heinous crimes against God”. That’s just ridiculous. Just as with any friendship with someone who hasn’t chosen to follow God’s will, we simply should reveal His will through our own lives, and look for opportunities to share what God has to say about His will for His creation (including each and every one of us).

For example, as their friend… filled with grace… when they come to you complaining about how their significant other is treating them and they ask you for your advice, you can tell them, “Well, here is what I would do… first off, before anything, I would pray that God would be honored in any decision me and my significant other make right now.”

Now, understanding that your friend is not a Christian, this may sound odd to them, but it also sets the record straight on where you stand and what God’s will is for their lives.

For so, so, SO much more on this topic, be sure to push play and here the guy’s takes on how to be honest, loving, and truthful in regards to the very delicate and charged topic of sexuality.

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(By All Out War Podcast. Discovered by Christian Podcast Central and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Christian Podcast Central, and audio is streamed directly from their servers.)

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