The Lansing Housing Commission in Michigan allowed residents to use a community room for birthday parties, tutoring, and events. However, the commission refused to grant access to the community rooms for “religious worship, services, or programs.” Learn why religious discrimination is not cured by discriminating against all religions equally at

Thank you for joining us for the First Liberty Briefing, an exclusive podcast where host Jeremy Dys—also First Liberty Senior Counsel—provides an insider’s look at the stories, cases, people and laws that have made America the world’s leader in protecting religious liberty.

The Lansing Housing Commission provides subsidized housing in Central Michigan. In many of the facilities, the Housing Commission provides a Community Room. The Commission often grants access to those Community Rooms for birthday parties, Boy Scout meetings, tutoring sessions and other community events. However the Commission refused to grant access to the Community Rooms for religious worship services or programs.

Our government is required to be neutral regarding all religions
LaRoy Froh Townhouses. His Healing Hands Church was prevented from ministering to the residents of a Lansing Housing Commission property onsite. Image: Kelly Ledbetter

His Healing Hands Medical Clinic provides a range of services to the community inside the Housing Commission’s facilities. When Clinic leaders asked to use the Community Room for religious services on Sundays, the church was excluded.

The Commission explained that it was welcome to use the Community Room to meet the physical needs of the community, but could not say anything about Jesus or bring any Bibles with them.

In court, the Commission argued that their policy was permissible because it denied use of the Community Rooms to all religions equally.

But the court rejected that reasoning.

Excluding all religions is the very definition of religious discrimination – which is not cured by discriminating against all religions equally. Government Commissions are not permitted to pick and choose which viewpoint it will permit in public places and which it will refute.

The First Amendment requires our government to be neutral in dealing with various religious viewpoints that make up our public square  

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