Daren StreblowMy oldest Ethan is eighteen now! Can you believe it?

I guess now that he’s eighteen I suppose I’m going to have to allow him so more responsibility. Maybe let him ride his bike outside the drive way or something. His mother and I really have some over protective issues, it’s not our fault when he was little he constantly tried to destroy himself. The other night at dinner he asked to cut his own food. I responded “Look here Mr. Dare Devil, I’m going to need a few more years to get use to you using a knife.”

Image: joyreactor
Image: joyreactor

He wanted a drivers license when he was seventeen, he’s still a child, lawmakers are crazy! I don’t think he knew he had it bad until he started talking to other guys on his cellphone.

He never considers my feelings anymore. He asked to spend the night at a friend’s house. He said “Or are you just going to say no, because it’s dangerous. I told him, “Of course it wouldn’t be dangerous, I’m saying no because I have no interest spending my Friday night sleeping on the floor next to you at your friends house.”

Today we have Bob Smiley!Bob Smiley

Bob shares how we with the upcoming new Star Wars movie release you can’t walk into a Walmart without finding tons of ridiculous merchandise for the movie. From Yoda yogurt to Chewy chewing tobacco, everything is being sold. Bob jokes about going to a pastors conference and wanting to have his set go just a little bit longer than expected so “They can see how it feels.” Or his recent church experience where he preached at a church in Vegas, where they kept yelling “Bingo!” instead of “Amen!” Bob lastly shares about his recent trip to McDonalds and how he had some fun with the person taking his order.

Next we have Greg Johnson!

Greg Johnson

My first question to Greg is what is it like to write for some of these characters that have been beloved heroes for about 60 or 70 years (Like the Avengers) and creating adventures for them yourself? Greg tells us there is a lot of care that has to go into writing for these characters and he has to do his research to make sure he’s doing the characters justice. He also needs to make sure it’s something, fresh, something new that has never been seen before. Readers are split down the middle of wanting to see new stories and just seeing old stories brought to life through animation. Greg shares his experiences writing for an X-Men animated series and we talk about the differences of writing a new fresh story verses having to go back and bring a comic book story to life. Greg shares his experience writing for Wolverine and The X-Men the animated series, he describes it as the biggest challenges and most rewarding project he’s worked on. He shares the experience of writing the series knowing the direction he was being told to go by executives and trying to be true to the characters in the series.

In closing Greg shares about his latest project Miles From Tomorrowland.