
From CBS 13, Sacramento:

The price of honey has jumped in the last decade, leading to a jump in beehive thefts.

That has beekeepers turning to technology to try and stop crooks from taking the hives.

If only there were some sort of flying predator that could sting would-be-thieves when their hives were threatened.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Keepers like Phil Hofland hoping the latest technology will sting those thieves trying to make off with the valuable hives.

“You can come in here with a forklift and snag—I’ve seen people steal 30,000 to 50,000 in a half an hour,” he said.

Now, I think that instead of counting the bees, maybe old Phil should have been calling the police… but I digress.

Beekeepers have always been concerned about theft, and have long tried to develop ways to prevent that from happening.

But the age-old problem has a new remedy. Hofland now uses tiny GPS chips to track if one of his hives is stolen.

“If it gets moved, I get an email or a text on my phone immediately,” the Dixon beekeeper said.

I guess, that way, he can race over to the hives and start counting bees again.

To take a peek into the mind of a beehive stealer, we interviewed one and got his story. (you’ll need to actually push play and listen to the podcast for this one… trust me, it’s well worth it!!)

Then, comedian Sara Shea calls into the show to discuss the intricacies of living the double life of a stand up comedian and a mom.  I mean, imagine the risk:  If the kids ever figured out that she was tracking their every move for new material, they might start behaving!  You see, at some point, as a comedian, you have to make the choice between peace and serenity or laughs per minute.

Despite the fact that she does a one-woman show every day (sometimes up to three times per day) called “Brush Your Teeth.  Go Brush Your Teeth.  Please Go Brush Your Teeth”, the kids are still oblivious.

And finally, international comedy superstar Jeff Allen calls in to talk about what it’s like to be a senior citizen doing stand up for college seniors.

The truth is that, especially out on the golf course, there are no mirrors to tell the mind that the body is getting older.

Jeff also has a podcast on the e2 media network, where he interviews people who have been through recovery or have gone through various trials in their life and have come out the other side and found some humor in it.  As the old saying goes – Comedy is Tragedy plus Time.

Not that Jess is an advocate for pain, but it is an inescapable part of life.  You see, in the America that Jeff grew up in, if a kid maimed himself, it was called “childhood”.  No one ever got lawyers involved, no teachers got fired, no monkey bars were removed from playgrounds.

Yet, today, whenever his nephew goes rollerblading, he looks like the Michelin Man with pads, braces, guards and pillows covering every inch of his body.

You see, Jeff believes that falling on the concrete should hurt.  It’s a kid’s incentive to stay upright while he has rollerblades strapped to his feet.

But back to recovery – humor is an immeasurable component to overcoming addictions of all sorts.  Especially when you get to the point where you can look back and see just how stupid – and laughable – you were as an addict.

For more family-friendly comedy, check out the Daren Streblow Comedy Show.

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