“Demolishing Arguments”

2 Corinthians 10:5

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

  • A stronghold is anything we hold onto that ends up holding us.  And we have His power to release us and set us free.

Strongholds are like concrete fortresses we’ve constructed around our lives block by block, ordinarily over the course of years.  We created them, whether or not we were aware, for protection and comfort.  Inevitably these fortresses become prisons.  At some point we realize we no longer control them but they control us…

  • Human effort is useless in demolishing strongholds.  No amount of discipline or determination will do it.  Satanic strongholds require divine demolition.  Discipline and determination often help in opening your life to the supernatural power of God, but only he can provide the divine dynamite.

He is after the church, to cripple and defeat.  We have an enemy.  He is trying to steal your freedom, kill your heart, and destroy your life.   There are so many of us, within the church, that simply are not enjoying that abundant life of the kingdom Jesus talks about.  To live in ignorance is the most dangerous thing a person can do.

You don’t escape spiritual attacks simply because you choose to stick your head in the sand.   With a lot of people it is the fact that they just don’t know if their prayers work, so it is easier to ignore it, until he attacks.  John 10 reminds us that the thief (Satan) is trying to steal the life God wants to give you.  It is either ignore it and live a defeated life, or realize who you are in Christ and the power that is yours to use to fight the fight, through what He accomplished at the cross.

Satan is called in scripture the father of liars.  The truth is not in him at all.  Everything he says to us is a lie.    He constantly attacks our minds with negative, faith crushing thoughts, hoping we will begin to agree with him; and that yes, we are defeated, and we become consumed with fear.  “You are bad; you are weak; you are ugly; you will never succeed; you will lose your house; your kids are stupid”; where your weaknesses lie is where he will attack in your thoughts.   We must not ever agree with him.

Because we do not live as if we are at war many times we just assume these thoughts are our own……and then they give way to bone crushing fear.

Where two agree on a matter faith it shall be given unto us.  That works both ways.  If you agree with God, no matter what it looks like, He is there to protect you.  But if you agree with Satan by speaking out what he is telling you then watch for the fear and terror to hit you.

If it steals, kills, or destroys you can know where it is coming from.  If it gives you life and joy then you know it is from God.  When we make agreements with demonic forces suggesting things to us, we come under their influence.   We give permission to our enemy to move in with force.  Anxiety attacks are rampant these days.  Depression is too.  Jesus wants so much more for us; as a matter of fact He has already given us all we need to stand firm and fight this fight.

If Jesus said the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy then, why in the world don’t we believe he comes to steal, kill, and destroy us?  If it looks like an attack, brings fear like an attack, and robs you of your peace, you can bet it is a real attack from the enemy.   He wants to kill your hearts and even your life if he could……But the word says that greater is He that is in us (Jesus) than he that is in the world (Satan).

So, these arguments are our rationalizations for the strongholds we continue to possess in our lives.  We maintain excuses for not surrendering areas of our lives to the authority of Christ.  You’ve had them.  I have had them.  Never forget that Satan persists where strongholds exist.  He supplies an endless list of rationalizations for the things we do and refuse to do.

  • Every stronghold is related to something we have exalted to a higher position than God in our lives.
  • Every stronghold pretends to bring something we feel we must have; aid, comfort, the relief of stress, or protection.
  • Every stronghold in the life of a believer is a tremendous source of pride for the enemy.  Let that make you mad and determine o stop giving him satisfaction.
  • Often the enemy will also stir pride in us to keep strongholds from being broken.  Humility is a necessary part of the mind set for someone ready to be free.  In the body of Christ the proud are never the free.  The proud refuse to give up their rights, even to God.  Pride will rob you of Gods best in your life and destroy you and those around you.

So, today, just for today, ask God where the hidden areas are in your life that seems to consistently defeat you.  What is holding up His promises in your life? Jesus wants to see you set free!!  He loves you so much.  He endowed you with a glory when he created you, a glory so deep that all creation pales in comparison. A glory unique to you, just as your fingerprints are unique to you, just as the way you laugh is unique to you.