It took Michelangelo six years to carve one of his greatest works, the statue of David. When asked why his masterpiece took so long, his reply was simple: “Once I found a slab of marble that I could see David in, all that was left was to chip away everything that was not David.”

According to my dad, people are no different than that slab of marble.  We all have our own uniqueness that, given enough time and investment could be appreciated as something priceless.  The problem is that too many times, we’re in too much of a hurry to take the time and look at one another from the inside out.  Instead, we merely look at what we see right away and make quick assumptions based on our (incorrect) first impressions.  Thereby completely missing out on so much in life and missing out on some amazing relationships.

But when we look at each person’s special uniqueness, we can see that some people are like a priceless work of art – their character is more valuable than anything we can imagine – and THAT is how God sees us.