“I feel so happy that they’ve included me into their already established family.”  This quote came from a dad I recently met who had married a widow with two kids.  His appreciative and loving attitude spoke volumes as to the approach he most likely took to blending himself into his wife and kid’s family.  Here are a few tips from my friend’s experience:

1)    He probably did not come into the new family with the attitude of, “I’m the one in charge now, since I’m the man of the house, so everyone’s going to do things my way!”

2)    He most likely allowed the relationships with his new kids to develop naturally.

3)    He probably stood by his wife in her decisions regarding the kids.

Over time, and as trust between the family members builds, parental roles can take on stronger foundations.  But it needs to begin with honest, open and loving communication.

Psalm 68:6 says, “God sets the lonely in families…”, so be thankful when God puts you into a family and let Him use you to be the best parent and spouse for them.

For more tips on how to successfully blend your stepfamily, visit www.nouveaulifecoaching.com.

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