How would you rank your local pizza joints? Which would you consider good? Better? Best?

Now, when you look at your family life, your work situation or your relationships, how would you honestly assess them? Good? Better? Best?

Then, we should evaluate them an ask ourselves, “…are they ‘good enough’ or should I work to improve these things (family, work, relationships, etc.)?”

You see, sometimes we have opportunities to shape conversations, impact relationships and help transform them from just “good” to “better” or even “best”.

Not to say that this is an easy process. It’s often difficult – even painful – to honestly look into the mirror at your relationships and the struggles that may exist between you and the ones you love. Then the even harder part is taking that first step toward improving those relationships.

But it doesn’t always take a lot.

Sometimes, just a simple word or two can spur a long, fruitful discussion and a “clearing of the air” that leads to a much better scenario all around.

One trick is that too often, people are not as honest about their lives as they should be and place a “best” label on “good” situations. The key is to not neglect these situations, but invest in them the time and attention that they need to: 1) honestly evaluate them; 2) enjoy your time within them; and 3) make them better.

The key is to separate any explosiveness that may momentarily exist within tough times from the relationship, situation or issue itself and then calmly choose what you want: Good, Better or Best.

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