This Way Network: Michael Gavlak, Matt Mcwatters & Jefferson Drexler

Chuck Schumer:
I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.

Pay attention to this. This has just happened. Law enforcement sources are confirming to Fox that an armed man was arrested near the Maryland home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. That happened early this morning. These are just the reports that we’re getting in. And Sean, we know that the Justices, one, there were protests outside of their homes. We know that those were encouraged. And of course, nobody was encouraging violence.

Yeah. Sorry, Dana. Washington Post is now reporting a bit more. When he was in custody, he shared with police his desire to kill Kavanaugh.


This is according to the Post, now. The individual I mentioned, described mid twenties, a man, found to be carrying at least one weapon and burglary tools.

Tom Cotton:
Only thing that apparently deterred this democratic hitman is the presence of those police officers out front. The Democrats need to act now to ensure that one of our Supreme Court Justices are not killed. And finally, as you said, Laura, as I said at the time, I urge the Supreme court to issue the Dobbs opinion now. However they rule, they need to issue the opinion so democratic hitmen won’t think they can change the court’s direction in this case by killing a Supreme Court Justice.

Hey, welcome to the chat session and already have a comment. Bring it, Matt. Well, it’s been brought.

Gloves on, let’s go.

Yeah, but what do you think about the whole situation with Kavanaugh?

Well, gosh, there’s so many different levels, Matt. When I first saw the news, obviously my mind went to the protests several weeks ago that were gone on outside the Supreme Court Justices’ homes, which one, is against the law and two, and this is something I do often where I break it down to how does it apply to me? How does it apply to my family? And I see a parenting lesson here. I see, when my 11 year olds would throw their temper tantrums and I, okay. If you’re upset, voice you’re upset within a certain paradigm, but when you cross lines, now you’re being sent to your room or now when you’re slamming doors or if you’re punching and throwing huge outbursts, now there’s even deeper consequences. And if you’re actually planning on plotting on killing your mother or I, now there’s going to be even more severe consequences.

And the thing is our governing forces never have put down any consequences, starting back at the protest in front of the Supreme Court Justices’ homes, and so, now we find ourselves here, so it’s never too late to start throwing down consequences for bad behavior and I think now is the time when we need to start throwing down the right and just consequences. Just according to our laws. I’m not saying… We don’t go above and beyond, just enforce the laws.

Yeah. You already got laws on the books, but you’re not enforcing them. They’re not doing it there. They’re not doing at the border, so on and so forth. So when you look at this administration and this DOJ, they’re lawless. That’s what…


I mean, that’s the truth about it and when it comes to what I thought when I heard it…


Yeah. Yeah. My first thought when I heard about it was, I thought about Schumer and what he said. And then, I thought about was that actually instigating this? And I don’t believe it was because if you say that that instigated this, you have to say Trump instigated January 6th, and I don’t think either one of them did, because neither one of them said, “Hey, go and vandalize this. Go do this to someone and hurt them.” They didn’t say anything like that when it comes to those speeches. Not only that, if you look at that speech that he said in front of the Supreme Court, Schumer, I take it that what he was talking about, the whirlwind, he’s talking about they want to pack the court, which they still want to. They want to get rid of that filibuster and pack the court. And now, do I think the Senate should look at him and maybe look into maybe some consequences for his actions? Sure. That’s your job deciding that. But do I think they should be prosecuted for it? For freedom speech? No.

No. And really, if you look at what Schumer was doing, it [inaudible 00:04:58] more familiar with, it’s no different than a high school pep rally. Hey Michael, welcome the show. It’s no different than a high school pep rally. And at the high school pep rally, when we’re saying, “We’re going to destroy the Cowboys, we’re going to kill the Cowboys. We’re going to wrench them inside.” We’re not really going to throw a nuclear bomb on the Cowboys. It’s all metaphorical and it’s just a matter of words, trying to hype my audience up. And that’s really all Schumer was doing, he was being very vague in his terminology to just stir people up and get people motivated. Not necessarily to do something intentionally violent, but maybe it was, but either way, it’s not prosecutable.

Well, yeah. I mean, we can’t determine what people’s feelings were at the time when they were saying stuff. When it comes to Trump, January 6th or when it comes to Schumer, what he was saying here.


I mean, I’m not the thought police. I’m not going to go around, “You were thinking it, I know it.” I’m not going to do that. I’m going to say, “These are the words you said, are they legal? No.” You didn’t go into a crowded room and say fire and all of a sudden, people scrambled all over each other and killed people. It’s not the same thing.

And technically, even saying fire in a crowded room is still legal.


That is actually okay to do. More importantly is, there’s basically two things. If I, or even Schumer as just a non-military person says, “Let’s go get them and we’re going to unleash hell fire on you. Release the Kraken.” Whatever terminology you want to do. Well, those are just words. Yeah. If it’s a military general or officer of any sort saying, “I want you to do this.” Even in a veiled way, “I want you to do this and you know what I mean.” That’s different and that’s the only thing that’s different. If a high school football coach says, “I want you to go break that guy’s leg.” And the guy goes and breaks the guy’s leg, that’s on the border, but we’re talking very specific authority and violent actions being ordered for somebody to do. But we’re not talking about any of that. We’re talking about some crazy dude who was following the momentum that was allowed, because the laws were not enforced and now, crazy dude is ready to take out one of our Supreme Court justices, which is just utterly ridiculous, especially in our times.

Yeah. So, Michael, what do you think?

So, you didn’t play the Schumer bite, right? You just played…

Yeah, I played the Schumer bite.

Oh, you did play the Schumer bite?


Did I miss it?

Yeah. It’s at the beginning.

Well, I was here from the beginning and I… Him talking about the whirlwind, reaping the whirlwind.

Yeah, might have overlapped it.

Okay. Well, I’m glad you played it if I missed it, because I’m glad we’re commenting on that, because yesterday, as I was thinking about this and thinking about Schumer’s speech that people are citing as an incitement to violence or something, most politicians are lawyers, right? The vast majority of our political class come from elite schools and most of them get law degrees, et cetera. And maybe the case for Schumer and that’s the only reason I’m saying this. I don’t know if… Woo, just saw an accident. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry, I’m driving and I literally just saw an accident out of my peripheral vision. I have my eyes on the road.

So, Schumer saying those things, if he’s not a lawyer, I guarantee he had a lawyer look over those words, right? He’s like, “I am going to make a speech, review this for me that I’m not violating any laws.” Right? So what Schumer said absolutely was is within the… It’s free speech. He’s saying that, he’s not saying be violent, do this, do that. He’s just… It’s bluster, right? It’s rhetoric. And so, when it comes down to the law, he didn’t break the law. He’s just speaking. And however, he also knows full well the double standard, right? There are two systems of justice at work here, right? We’re watching the law being unequally applied, which is contrary to the constitution. So when Schumer says that, he knows he’s saying something he’s legally allowed to say.

He also knows that a lot of those people listening are going to absolutely go out and commit crimes and will not serve consequences, right? Because his audience is going to go to the extreme. There are extremes on both sides. There are extremists on both sides, so he knows full well in the back of his mind, what he’s saying is ultimately going to be marching orders for some whacked out leftist. As we see who was arrested at 2:00 AM outside of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home. Now I just want to talk a little bit about Brett Kavanaugh, because I like what you said, Jefferson about applying it, just bringing it home and seeing how we can apply these same standards to our lives. It’s one thing for your child to be able to voice his objections, it’s another thing for him to be able to run into your room at 2:00 AM and stand on your bed with a hammer in his hand and yell at you, right?

Jump up on your bed and yell at you. This is totally outside of the norm that anybody would be allowed or should be allowed to conduct themselves and it is a felony to threaten a judge. And so, the double standard is being applied and Kavanaugh already got a big dose of this, right? In his confirmation hearings, right? He already knew his life was changed forever and he was going to be attacked. People are going to believe every salacious allegation that he’s accused of that was created out of whole cloth, right? All of the nasty things said about him, there are now thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people that believe, right? That believe he’s a predator. He’s a part of the white elitist old boy club and that he’s somehow nefariously plotting to undermine the constitution or the integrity of America and democracy, right?

That’s the narrative. And so, this guy thinks he’s doing a good thing. This guy thinks by, I’ve got to [inaudible 00:12:25] something of my life. That’s kind of what he said. I want to make something of my life before I die and even said he was going to commit suicide after assassinating a Supreme Court Justice. This guy thinks he’s doing a moral good because he’s in a bubble and Brett Kavanaugh, what do you do now? He can’t move, right? Because if you move, everybody’s going to find where you are. He’s surrounded by law enforcement now, as he should be, and you wonder, will this thing ever blow over? That’s my question. Will this thing ever blow over?

Well, I think Tom Cotton’s right. They need to release the decision now, so crazies like this don’t think they can change the minds of people that are on the court if they do something like this. They need to release it now, in order to just cut that off and be like, “This is the decision. You can’t change it now. It is what it is.”

Well, I don’t know if you guys ever dated a redhead, but crazies are going to do crazy.

Yep. Yeah.

So, sorry. I’m sorry.

I don’t know if you noticed my beard, I got red in it, but yeah, I’ve dated a redhead. Yeah.

But, and my point is that I agree that I think that they should just rip the bandaid off and if nothing else, change the motivation for the crazies doing crazy, but the crazies are going to do crazy. And then, we have to enforce the laws, just like we, previous to this generation, like we always did. Protesting has always been allowed and even been healthy within certain paradigms. Protesters knew you actually had to file for a permit in order to protest. And then, if you breached your permit, you’re going to get arrested and they would even agree ahead of time, especially in DC, who is going to be arrested, who is going to be towed away, how many people. That’s why you get your celebrities in there doing it and you see Susan Sarandon being hauled off in handcuffs, that was all pre orchestrated.

And it was to make their point. And that’s cool, that’s what protests is supposed to be, but because for decades now, we’ve not really followed through with all of the way the law and protest is supposed to be, now we’ve unfurled the reign of no consequences and undeterred behavior, which then [inaudible 00:14:50] into this. If you’ve got pastors back in the 80s that were saying, “At all measures, we need to stop these abortions from taking place.” Yes, it’s just like Schumer saying, “We need to go kill the abortion doctors or we need to release the whirlwind and go kill Kavanaugh.” The truth is we have people that need to spur things on, and we have people that need to protest and we have rules that have to create the boundaries for all of this take place within.

Well, you know what concerns me more than anything else? Both sides, almost agreeing… Not all, but a lot of people on both sides, almost agreeing that words are violence.


How far are you going to go with that? Are you going to go to the written word? Because if you go to the written word, there’s a lot of texts out there that will be completely banned.


[inaudible 00:15:38] Yeah, well, constitution, you would also have the Bible, you would also have the Quran and so on and so forth. Bunch of biblical texts would be deleted because of it.

Well, here’s my question. Oh, go ahead, Matt.

No, go ahead.

Well, here’s my question. Looking forward, right? I bring this guy up all the time, last time I brought him up, I forgot why I brought him up, Tim Pool. All right. So Tim Pool always puts this caveat, he’s talking about the red wave that’s coming in November and he goes, “But we don’t know what’s going to happen, anything could happen.” And though, technically true, there are trends that happen that are immovable, like an immovable object. There are trends that we cannot prevent from happening and this red wave in November is one of them. People think, well, because maybe there’s so much corruption that they may be able to commit fraud and then, there won’t be a red wave and then the Democrats will actually have more numbers, but that’s not going to happen because the structure of our culture. It’s 50 independent countries united under a federal government, right?

The United States of America is actually 50 independent countries united under a federal government. So those states have autonomy up to… They should have more autonomy than they’re now given by the feds, but that being said, you can’t corrupt every election process across the country. And so, the red wave is going to happen. There’s nothing that can stop it, especially now that everybody’s super focused, hyper focused on election process. So, that’s going to happen. There’s going to be a red wave that at least the house and likely the Senate are going to switch sides. And so, essentially we’ll have probably two years of stalemate, right? Well, there’ll be investigations.

There’ll be productive in investigating. The Republicans will continue the investigations that have started and start a whole bunch of new investigations. And that’ll all be good, but that’ll be a long term thing. It’ll feel like nothing’s getting done, but at least some of the crazy committees that are in Congress won’t happen anymore. Those committees will be disbanded. They’ll be gone. This January 6th thing will be exposed for the dog and pony show that it is. However, 2024 is coming and Donald Trump’s going to run and he’s going to win, right?

I got two things to tell you. First thing, did you see that Tim Pool got swatted last night?


He got swatted, which…


This the fourth time?

I don’t know what that means.

That’s where someone calls the cops. It’s the eighth time it’s happened. Someone called cops on him. Yeah. It was a bomb threat. They had to leave the building. They left the live feed on for four hours and he had more views on that particular show than CNN had on CNN plus. But the other thing is, I wanted to mention is about the January 6th committee, the reason they’re actually doing this is, first thing, they don’t want Trump to run in 2024, but the other thing is, Jamie Raskin came out and told the truth about why they’re doing it. They want to get rid of the electoral college. And really, this ain’t the beginning of them trying to destroy the Republic that we have. The first time they did, was whenever what’s his name? Wood Wilson was president and they got rid of… They did the 17th amendment where the senators were elected instead of chosen by the states.

Yeah, Yeah.


Well, the point I wanted to make about… Yes, the Democrats want to abolish the electoral college. They want to pack the Supreme Court. They want to abolish the filibuster, right? They’re trying to make these fundamental changes and none of them are going to happen, but Trump very likely, I mean, all the basic polls are saying, it doesn’t matter who is running against this administration, they’ll win. So that’s the green light for Trump. He’s like, “Yeah, I’m going to run again.” Te hasn’t said it, but in one possible future, Trump wins in 2024. And then, like in his first win, he didn’t realize how deep the deep state was and now, everybody knows how deep the deep state is. And so, winning again, it will be a very, very different administration than the first one.

It will be deep, deep, deep rooting out of deep, deep, deep state operatives and probably completely removing or discontinuing a bunch of federal agencies, right? It’s going to be a deep cleaning. We got a glimpse of how dirty things are with his first administration and now in this administration, how deeply dirty things are. This is how I think God works, right? He’s like, “I’m going to show you what’s really going on by allowing the corruption to just flourish.” And then the people go, “Oh, I see.” And all of the Democrats are split down the middle and going, “Well, we have a better alternative. Our economy was the best ever under 45.” So I’m just peddling hope here. It’s horrific what’s happening, but it’s good.

The question will be, will Trump, since his time in the white house, will he have learned how to be a politician? He’s very good at policy, very bad at politics. And that’s why he was not able to get everything accomplished that he really wanted to do, because he couldn’t even get his own party to agree with him on the political side and play those games. I agree that he could come in and sweepingly do everything with executive orders like he did in the past, but then the next guy comes in, just like Biden did, and undo everything that Trump may do while in office. So that’s why we need somebody in there, whether it’s Trump, DeSantis, I’m blanking on the name, the Governor up in South Dakota.

Oh, Noem.


Kristi Noem.

Those are just the people that are in the headlines, but we need somebody to come in who’s going to actually have the right policies and know how to play the politics and make it happen…

Well, think about this.


Let’s say Trump had a… Once the Biden term is over, Trump will have had an eight year education, right? An eight year education, because it’s… Trump winning, I’d say he was probably 49% surprised about winning, right? So he’s like, “I’m going to run and if I win, I’m going to do this, this, this, and this.” And then it actually happened. And so, it’s like now it’s time to scramble to put together a full administration for a guy who’s not a politician, so he had to… He was putting people in positions that he had no idea if they were qualified and no idea if they were allied with him, right? He was putting people in positions of power that their true colors came out in his administration. So that was a learning curve for him. I guarantee you he’s not making those mistakes again. He’s taking this time to find out who the best people are for the best positions. I’m telling you that his next administration is going to be so radically different than the first one in the best possible way. That’s just my feel.

So, wouldn’t it be a safe assumption to think though, that in the next two and a half years, that Biden and the people on the… I’m just putting Biden as the avatar of the people on the democratic party, that they’re going to…


Yeah. They’re going to put forward the policies, the lasting legislation, et cetera, that therefore, cannot be undone by the next regime to come in. I mean, if we can easily say this is the way that things are going to operate when that red tsunami hits, wouldn’t it be equally presumptive or a safe assumption, I should say, that the left is going to bulletproof their own positions?

Bulletproof is, I think it’s just a wishful thinking word because politicians are always able to figure out legal loopholes to undo things. Saying that Biden came in and undid everything that Trump did, that’s actually not possible. He didn’t remove the special counsel, right? There are things about our government that are so structured in such a way our legal system. Right? You have…

I’m not saying he batted 1000, but all he had to do was bat 500 and he’s impacting our lives and making our lives hell.

Well, the thing is the reason he didn’t remove the special counsel was because he knew how it would look politically. That’s the reason he didn’t do it.

And that’s what I’m saying, there are a lot of things… That’s part of not being… Not bulletproofing. There are political considerations, there are so many political animals in Hollywood… Hollywood. In DC, kind of same thing.


That was totally Freudian. Yeah. They’re one in the same animal. I mean, let me just tell a brief story real quick about… So one of the first jobs I had in Hollywood was on… Well, for the company that did the show Blind Date, it was the second gig I had. I wasn’t working on Blind Date, but I was working for that company on another show. And so, I got to know the bosses and then… I’m getting a call coming in, sorry. And I was a newbie in Hollywood and it’s like, “Wow. I actually get to know the bosses here.”

These were legends in Hollywood or whatever, in reality TV, whatever. And then I find out Obama’s coming to town and our boss is going to the fundraising dinner and giving $100,000, right? And I’m like, “Oh, gosh. This is how they do it.” They come over here and all these people want to curry favor with the latest and greatest politician. I think it was right… I don’t know if this was… This was before his first. Yeah. I think it was before he was… The first time he was elected. Yeah. So it was like, “Oh boy. I’m in the cesspool over here.” But Trump is a Hollywood guy, right? And that’s the thing. He shattered a bunch of stereotypes. So, good things are coming. Let me just say that.

We can only hope. We can only hope

Well, Kavanaugh, right? Getting back to Kavanaugh, the poor guy has the best job he could ever hope for in his life, yet he has to fear for his life every moment of every day it seems. I think he feels probably fairly, pretty secure, but what about that rogue FBI agent, that it’s like, “Well, we’ll let this one through.” Right? That could happen. I don’t want to… God is in control.

Well, it’s not the FBI that’s protecting them. It’s the US Marshals.

The US Marshals. Well, yeah. So…

But yeah, you got to wonder, I should say, what kind of happiness does Kavanaugh or any of the other people who side with him on the court… I know that they’re God fearing, God loving individuals, they have joy in their lives. I’m curious to what kind of happiness do they have in their day to day life? Are they constantly nervous about what’s going on with themselves, their own safety, their children, their spouses? I mean, it’s a crazy moment for people in their office.

Yeah. And how many people would want to take that job after something like this happening?

Well, pray for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Pray for his family, right? Pray for his….

Just pray for him and pray for his family and stick with that. And the other justices as well. And obviously, we continue to do that. We pray for our leaders constantly and I think that we, as individuals today, I don’t care if you’re a parent, even if you’re not a parent, if you are a neighbor, if you are just living within any community whatsoever, we need to get back to civil law and civility. And then, also realizing there should be consequences for bad actions.

Yeah. We need to learn to agree to disagree and not demonize the people on the other side of the aisle.

Even when they have terrible cellular coverage and drop out of your show, you still have to love them. Yep.

You’re back on, Michael. All right, guys, I need you to go to www this way network and check out our newsletter. It has special features and behind the scenes info, check it out. It’s And when you get your email, you better check your spam folder, because that’s probably where it’s going to be sent. Just a good tip.

Sad to say.

Yeah. But guys, this can be the end of the show. Joe, I’m going to give you the last word.

I think that again, we need to enforce the laws that we have on the books. We need to learn how to speak well and how to behave well. When we do that, then we will see progress being made on all… No matter what side of the argument you are, you will see progress in that environment. So long as we have crazies doing crazy, it’s just going to get more and more crazy as the generations move forward.

Yep. See y’all later.

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