Brad Stine Mini-Cast

Are Americans Still Courageous?

Now, America has decided to take a different path. We used to be driven by courage. We used to be driven by fortitude. We used to be driven by virtue. We used to be driven by transcended imitable truth. We used to be driven by morals, godly morals, not human morals. God breathe morals so they can’t be changed or altered at the whim of a human that decides he wants to act differently. We used to be driven by a creed, that there was something greater about the human experience that we’re all made in God’s image, and that we have given certain rights that are from God and that we’re supposed to see what we can do with it. That’s what used to drive us. And it became and created the greatest nation in human history.

We are now driven by fear. We are now are driven by angst. We are now driven by hate. We are now driven by identity dynamics that whatever I identify with, however, I see myself is sacrosanct and that must be honored by you, including you must bow your knee to whatever I tell you, even if it goes against your common sense and what you think is true. That is the new reality.

I didn’t know that 2021 would show me in 2020 actually, how cowardly most Americans were. I did not know that liberty would be given away that easily. I didn’t know that they were so fearful. I didn’t know, but it’s so clear to me why Christianity mattered to the founders. Because if your entire life, your entire choice, your entire decision making is based on trying to stay alive as long as you can, then you’re going to live in fear. You’re going to give away your liberty. You’re going to give away your freedoms. You’re going to give away your autonomy. You’re going to give away your agency. You’re going to give away your ability to raise your children the way you choose. You’re going to give away your ability to own private property. You’re going to give away your ability to choose how you want to dress. Where, how you want to defend yourself, how you want to protect yourself, how you want to involve yourself in medical decisions.

You’re going to give it all away to a bureaucracy and allow them to dictate to you what to do as long as you stay alive a couple days longer, couple a weeks longer, couple a years longer. That’s what’s driven America now. Broke my heart. I sat here for 30 years talking about being a conservative comedian, a Christian and whatever, and how great America was and rah, rah, and I built a great fan base of people who agreed with me and they wanted to support me on that.

I was just in Fresno, yesterday, performing at the historic Wilson Theater, and it was an amazing group of Americans in California who have said no to the nonsense, who are awakened warriors, and that is what this [inaudible 00:03:08] issues, 2022 is really about. Creating awakened warriors. People who see the truth for what it actually is, what’s really going on, that there really isn’t a government that we can count on even though we know what it’s supposed to look like, and the three pillars of a government in the United States, and so forth, and we’re independent from what the European nations do, or what Islamic nations do, or even what communist nations, but we’re not.

We are seeing more and more that there’s sort of a one world government. There seems to be more of a grander scheme of people who are deciding for us. they seem to be oligarchs. It does seem to be a lot of influence that we’re really becoming much clearer to us, more precise to us, and that people that have a lot of money who are really, really, really rich, control the world. And we’re seeing that. We’re seeing that. We’re seeing people who made billions of dollars because of a computer that they had created that suddenly are giving me medical advice.

Telling me that they’re going to block the sun with some technology because somehow we need to cool down the earth because a climate change is the biggest problem that can happen to the humans existentially. So this person going to take it on themselves to play God and cool the earth down with some kind of technology he’s going to. Others are going to fly up into space and look around and come back down, because they have the money to do so. But there’s people in history and length of people who have decided that they are richer. That means they’re more popular. That means they’re more important. That means they’re more valuable. That means they’re worth more to us, not like financially, but just intrinsically they’re more valuable to us, or they wouldn’t have made as much as they did, because they did.

It means they’re smarter. It means they’re superior humans. They’ve evolved into a higher form, a higher life form than the rest of us. And so they get to elixir. They will go off to their private island. They have billions. They probably have a bunker that could withstand 10 megatons, nuclear armaments. They probably have 200 years worth of food, clothing, radiation repair, doctor on hand to protect them. They can do whatever they want because all they have to look forward to is to stay alive until they die.

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