San Pasqual Wide Receivers Coach Scotty Cowan

The Prep Coach and Local Youth Pastor shares how faith and sports collide in his life.

New Vintage Church Student Pastor shares his stories of seeking out God’s will for his life while catching passes on the gridiron and now coaching up young receivers to do the same.

How faith and sports have collided in Scotty’s  life:
  • In high school, Scotty helped lead weekly prayer breakfasts with his teammates, which grew to the point of taking over his campus’ Fellowship of Christian Athletes program. 
  • The weekly gatherings still continue today – long after Scotty’s graduation.
  • After graduation, Scott’s personal, scholastic and football worlds collided when his coach started dating his mom.
  • Coach Tony Corley, or D-Dah to Scotty, continues to be a faithful influence on Scotty’s life as his Head Coach at San Pasqual and head of the family since marrying Scotty’s mom. 
  • In large part due to San Pasqual football’s continuous efforts to develop students’ character even more than football skills, leading in Christlike fashion hasn’t been a struggle in a public school environment.
  • Teaching pass patterns is easy, but developing relationships with players that last beyond graduation is the more intricate and rewarding aspect to coaching… and pastoring.
  • Just like Jesus taught in relevant parables, Scotty is learning to lead his players with relevant discipleship.
  • It’s important for Scotty to coach and disciple his players and his students at New Vintage Church as individuals, drawing out their talents and gifts to become the young men and women that God has called them to be.
  • It’s the little things that make huge differences in students’ lives!

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