The Only Way to “End” Racism…

Can racism “be solved”? If you’re a Christian, you have no choice but to care about this question. But the solution is every bit as important as the problem!

Welcome to the New America. Dubbed ‘God’s Comic’ by the New Yorker, for 16-years, Brad Stine has been the comedic trailblazer of politically incorrect, Christian and Conservative comedy. His new show, ‘Brad Stine Has Issues’, covers cultural issues with his signature brand of comedic sarcasm and satire with insight that will be appreciated by everyone who loves laughter, liberty, and the freedom to tell the truth without fear.

With all that has been happening in America lately you might be asking yourself CAN RACISM EVER BE CONQUERED? Well the answer is absolutely, probably not. Sound too black and white for you. Let’s talk.

The Only Way to "End" Racism...

NO! racism can’t be fixed if by “fixed” you mean will human beings on every continent, country, state village and tribe ever stop categorizing humans that they deem different than them as less valuable. You have to remember that we as humans are fallen. We are intrinsically broken. You have to keep in mind that in order for a culture to change, the people have to change the way they see the world. Because the west was formed and founded when it comes to its moral perspective from the Judeo/Christian foundational standard we have been taught for thousands of years that humans are actually made in the image of God. If you disregard that way of seeing humans then you have to replace it with another criteria for how we define our humanity. Racism is so stupid it defies logic. When you look at it superficially it is literally people judging in a demeaning way a fellow human being that has a different tone to their skin. Notice I said tone not color. We like to categorize people to make it easier on ourselves to not have to think or be logical if it doesn’t fit our prejudice but this is the unexamined life in real time. First off we are in fact a human race, and there is no distinct and separate form of human unless you include polka fans as the jury is still out on them. But because Darwin found in his search for science that his observations were that some humans were actually sub-human. He referred to them as savages but remember he was English so the bar was pretty low. Just not drinking tea in the afternoon could put you on Darwin’s shortlist for humans not worthy of respect. Remember it matters what you believe about God. Because Darwin disregarded the one truth that enabled humans to have a shot at being dignifying to each other which is the Bible’s insistence that we are all one creation, designed by god to inhabit the earth and to work together to lift each other up. Darwin believed there were classes of humans based on which spectrum of evolution you found yourself on at the time he observed you. The darker skinned were subhuman to Darwin and could be studied and put into zoos for observation but certainly not worthy of being given dignity and interaction in order to learn from whence they came. The idea that the shade or tone of someone’s skin somehow equates to intelligence is, well, simply unintelligent. People taking their cue from Darwinism believe that the darker the skin the less smart you became. So let me get this straight, does that mean that white people are less smart in the summer when they are trying to get tan? What human can find darker skin less intelligent and then spend the summer purposefully trying to darken their skin with a straight face. If your idiotic theory were true you literally lower your IQ 50 points everytime you go to the beach. Please keep in mind as I have taught you that those who seek power always do so by anointing themselves as superior to others first and then move forward in their hypocrisy w/o fear of criticism because they get to make the rules and one of the fortuitous rules of the totalitarian is they are never wrong. Even when they behave in ways that they have deemed unjust, unwoke and politically incorrect they can only drive these points home and put them into place by using the same standards they deem evil in the group they despise, and use these same habits on themselves. So always be observant of the techniques of those that desire to enslave you. Leftism which has taken over progressivism is a political manifestation of narcissism. If you are aware of this it will give you clarity unlike any other in regards to what is happening in America. The narcissist always accuses you of the very thing they are doing. Remember their motto: whoever accuses someone of an egregious sin first, is immune from being criticized for the same behavior. So let me make this as simple and clear as possible. The idea that all humans are created equal was never a perspective of humanity until the revelation from the Judeo/Christian God that humans were made in the image of God. That alone gave us each dignity, value, meaning and purpose. There could be no social justice, no fairness, no equality on this earth w/o the revelation from the Judeo/Christian God as to who we were. Thus, to remove God from the equation and believe you can force by riots, laws and malice the intrinsic beauty of humanity being God’s offspring cannot work. The reason I am a Christ follower is because by reason, logic and access to believing and living in the transcendent as well as this material dimension, I have come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ is exactly who He claimed to be. The Messiah, the human revelation and proof of God on earth and the ONLY way humans have a shot at loving each other irrespective of our differences and history. You want to fix racism? You have to humble yourself to the reality that the creator is the Father of us all and once you commit yourself to His authority and identify yourself as nothing but a child of God, you can actually eliminate racism, sexism and any other ism that gets in your way. Anything else will simply be your pride demanding it’s way where there is no room for forgiveness, grace and humility. Come back to Christ  America, or live with the consequences.

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