McDonald’s core product – burgers – is changing dramatically in order to keep up with the times.  Believe it or not, instead of Starbucks, more people in England flock to the Golden Arches for their specialty coffee.

The core product of the American Church used to be Eternal Salvation – come to church and live forever.  But in the 1970’s something strange happened.  Fewer American were buying our core product.  People were no longer afraid of suddenly meeting their demise, so their eternal destination didn’t hold as much value as before.  So, in the late ’70’s, organizations like Focus on the Family, Family Life and Marriage Encounter sprouted and grew in the U.S..  Pastors across the country shifter their focus from personal salvation to personal relationships.  Not to say that churches have completely abandoned their original core product.  Just as McDonald’s still offers Big Macs, we still offer altar calls; but we market ourselves as a coffee house full of relationships.  This change is undermining men’s participation and enthusiasm.

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