COVID-19 Quarantine Encouragement from Nick Hundley

COVID-19 Quarantine Encouragement from Nick Hundley

With all of us isolated in our homes, it’s comforting to know that as followers of Jesus, we are never alone. God wasn’t kidding when He said, “Don’t be afraid because I will be with you.”

To help remind us of God’s promises, we have reached out to our “Friends of The Yard”. This week, we welcome former MLB Catcher Nick Hundley!

Nick Hundley, 11-year MLB Veteran:

One of my favorite Bible verses is John 16:33, in which Jesus says:

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

And, one of my favorite things about the Bible and following Jesus is that He never promises that life is going to be easy. So, when hard times come, you’re not surprised.

For me, knowing who we serve – the Eternal King – temporary times will definitely be tough, but we are “foreigners in this land” and we know that our kingdom is in Heaven and our King is on the throne there.

Hopefully, that is encouraging for you!

For more fun in The Yard with Marcus Preciado, check out our YouTube Channel and

You can also find more encouraging words from other Yard teammates here!

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