PCFree is Liberty!

Want to experience true liberty? FREE YOURSELF from the bondage of political correctness!

Are you one of those people that believe soon everyone in America will be forced to succumb to political correctness and its tyranny? Do you believe every idea from the left is good, and every conservative idea is bad and wrong and evil?! If so, you believe you have won the culture war huh?….heheheh, buckle up!

Welcome! This is God’s comic Brad Stine and this is for all of you that didn’t know I had a show of my own on Youtube. It’s been running for almost a year so get your head in the game! This episode is just catching you up to what everyone else has figured out, if America as a free society is to survive, you’re all going to need me!! Lately you have realized that you aren’t nearly as smart and informed as those who watch Brad Stine Has Issues. So if you are watching now, and you must be or you wouldn’t have any idea what I’m talking about, allow me to bring you up to speed. 

First I must admit when I was asked to create a show about my thoughts on my faith, my country and my culture I was blown away. How bad has it gotten in America that you needed a comedian, to bring some sanity back to our polarized nation?! Only in America would they look to the village idiot for his take on life, culture and religion. Of course, many of you know who I am, for those that don’t WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?…any time you want to join the 21st century feel free!!!! No wonder I’m broke! Anyways, I’m a comedian and an actor/writer/producer. I was born in Indiana. I normally don’t bring that up because everytime I do, there’s always some guy in the crowd shooting off – literally shooting off – as only a good ol’ boy can… and usually we’re related.

You can sum me up this way: I am a conservative, a Christian and an originalist – which means I believe in the U.S. as the Founding Fathers envisioned it, as the greatest nation the world has ever known. If you are offended by any of those ideas I have good news…Your intolerance is crippling you..BUT, I’m here to help, Tiny Tim! I call it good news because if you stick with me long enough, you will not only be enlightened, you’ll be free from the politically correct religious cult you have been sucked into. 

You see I want to watch political correctness die in my lifetime.. but first, I want to watch it suffer. 

So what is the agenda of my show? And yes, as a conservative I admit I have an agenda and it’s this, can we as a people from various backgrounds and point of view joke about and yet examine real issues in which we differ and still maintain civility? I have watched free speech get chipped away in America every day and I’m not going to stand idly by and not do something about it. This is a movement known as being PCFree

Here’s how it works..NO subject is off limits. I will not censor your views, you don’t get to censor mine. You don’t have permission to call me bigot, hateful and phobic or anything else unless it is true, and I promise you it isn’t! You don’t get to continue to be a tyrant and a slave master towards me and fellow Americans that believe like me. I will make fun of everybody and everything and that includes white people, black people, gay people, trans people, girl people, Hispanic people, Christian people, atheist people and people who identify as not being people. So fear not – everyone will get a turn. Why? Because some people need to be trained in the fact that joking about someone isn’t equivalent to hating them. PC ends when we choose to kill it, or if it helps the progressive, I’ll use a phrase you agree with..we need to abort it! You’re for abortion, right? 

Listen America, the purpose of comedy at its best is to expose culture for what it is, right or wrong. If you don’t think something I say is funny that’s your opinion and your opinion doesn’t make something true it just proves humans have different tastes (subjectivity) or you don’t like being joked about. (AND THAT’S YOUR PROBLEM!!) To yell and scream about shutting me up because you happen to be targeted this time is exactly how children behave and I refuse to treat you like a child. 

Someone has got to put an end to this oversensitivity crap that has wussified America, and if you don’t like it..Put a helmet on! It’s time to fight back and grow up, America and be a big boy. 

Oh, and if you’re offended I said “boy” so as not to include you, look at me… ummm I don’t care. YOU’RE THE PROBLEM, and I’m the cure. I’m your personal bipedal penicillin… But here is the important part so listen carefully. What I don’t want to be is another show from a conservative or a Christian that castigates the left and its ideology so that fellow conservatives and Christians can high five their computer and utter phrases like. “That’s what I believe” or “I thought the same thing” or even, “Thank you Brad for saying what’s on everybody’s mind!”

PCFree is Liberty!What good is a show designed to give like-minded thinkers something to think about? NO, I want to create a movement where I train you to fight back and destroy the momentum of the PC movement as I unmask its roots from the Frankfurt school created by a bunch of German Marxist intellectuals to implement into society what is known as CULTURAL MARXISM and its formula to destroy western culture by dismantling its foundations, ridiculing its traditions and criticizing everything that made the west and its greatest progeny, The United States of America. Cultural Marxism, or by the name you’re familiar with political correctness, is ruled by leftist self appointed elites that believe they have the right to control and destroy everyone that doesn’t submit to their tyranny. So how am I going to go about such a monumental task to destroy it? Edu-tainment through comedy. It was once said the greatest insult you can hand the devil is to ridicule him, so that’s where I am taking my marching orders! You’re about to go back in time to when America could actually take a joke, and maybe learn something at the same time!! 

Join the movement won’t you..because if you don’t you will become the joke ..while losing your freedom along the way. OH, this is gonna be fun!! I’m God’s comic Brad Stine…let the games begin!!! Remember PCFree is Lib-er-ty!!

Be sure to subscribe to Brad Stine Has Issues’ YouTube Channel so that you don’t miss a moment of Brad’s shenanigans both in front of and behind the scenes!

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