What Is X For?

Brad Stine laments the letter ‘X’ is in this in-depth analysis of its use and purpose…

Are you still singing the ABC song to your kids? Stop! Don’t you realize it is indoctrination into the PC world? Ohhh, don’t tell me I’m going to have to walk you through THIS one!!?

If you haven’t picked up on it yet, I despise political correctness. Those of us on the “annihilate PC before it kills us” campaign become so trained in its intricacies that we see elements of it everywhere.

What Is X ForOne of the earliest forms of PC by those of us sophisticated enough to discern it was the letter X. If you think about it the letter X never needed to exist. Once it was invented and tried out for a while it was obvious that the letter was just there for a handout, if X were a political ideology it would be socialist.

The only two sounds “X” makes are sounds already made by other letters. The “X” sound combines soft e with k + s so that “exit” actually should be spelled “eksit”. Thus saving us one more letter to memorize and getting greater value out of far more useful letters, which is good for the environment and cuts down on greenhouse gasses.

Don’t be fooled “X” was well aware of its uselessness, which became abundantly clear after the last letter Z was introduced. Suddenly, out of the blue X decided it wanted that sound too, so now if you wanted a word like zylophone, it should be spelled Xylophone which just goes to show what pathetic ends X will go to appear to be valuable by leeching off of others.

Of course anyone arguing with this absurd “Who are we to tell X what he can sound like“ concept would be immediately branded a letter-aphobe and sued for “X” amount of dollars. (Which is where we got the concept of “X” suddenly representing any and every letter OR number, which is what happens when we let the least efficient oppress the most efficient in the name of tolerance).

You see PC teaches us that you no longer have to persuade the majority to agree with your position (Democracy) but only have to yell and scream a lot about others being “intolerant” and “mean-spirited” and “hurting your feelings” and “emotions” and “self esteem” and giving you a “tummy ache”. The reason X eksists is because someone wasn’t courageous enough to stand-alone and shout to the world “ Hey everyone, X is naked!”

What we don’t need is the other letters standing up and deciding that they will no longer be trapped in the box “society” has made for them. If X can sound like Z for no reason then why can’t Z say that every time you go to the dentist they give you a “Z-ray” which you can make a copy of on the Zerox machine, or make that zeroz.

Nothing changes in society until people stand up for what is right and true regardless of the consequences from the fascist PC elite and their religion of dominance by extortion. Follow me folks, heck I’ll lead the charge. When I see letter acting up and using other letters sounds, I’ll be the first to fend off its evil advances…

Don’t even get me started on C! This is God’s Comic Brad Stine Join the Movement PCFree is liberty.

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