It’s called the most beloved verse in all the Bible, no pun intended as it is a verse about God’s love.

It’s called the Gospel message in miniature.

It’s the most memorized verse in the Bible, and usually the very 1st verse most of us memorized.

John 3:16 is all of that, and so much more.

But note this: John 3:16 did not come out of a vacuum. It came out of a singularly important conversation that Jesus had with a singularly important individual — the man named Nicodemus.

Nicodemus: a man we need to meet up close and personal. Nicodemus: a man from whom we will learn some startling lessons.

In a very real sense, in this PODCAST we will expose a hidden family secret, one that affects every single church represented by you, my precious listeners.

So sit back, open your heart, and spend a few minutes with us as we meet the man who came to Jesus at night.

To learn more about Dewey’s ministry, go to

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