How to Simplify Hospitality

I loved chatting about hospitality with Jen Schmidt! I just know you are going to be so encouraged!

How to Simplify Hospitality with Jen SchmidtHospitality is near and dear to my heart. I’m happiest when I have people at my house and I get the chance to serve them. Maybe that’s why I have so many kids. Lots of people to love on and feed. Ha! Well, as soon as I saw Jen Schmidt’s new book come out, I contacted her immediately to come on the podcast. I knew I wanted an opportunity to talk about the heart of hospitality — and it’s not about always being fancy. Fancy is fun, but sometimes we just have to open our doors and welcome people in just as we are. Jen’s new book is called, Just Open the Door: How One Invitation Can Change a Generation. You’re going to love some of the stories she shares about the impact of her passion to just welcome people into her home — often times when she wasn’t quite expecting folks to come inside.

I hope you are so encouraged by this conversation with Jen Schmidt! I know I was!

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Highlights from This Show…

Jesus was essentially homeless yet he was still hospitable. — Jen Schmidt (CLICK TO TWEET)

Hospitality is not a one and done event. — Jen Schmidt (CLICK TO TWEET)

  • How to Simplify Hospitality with Jen SchmidtFor those of you who don’t know Jen Schmidt, she started out blogging at Beauty and Bedlam almost ten years ago — in the throws of motherhood (she has 5 kids too)! She is also an author and has an runs an amazing conference for women called The Becoming Conference. (It sounds like so much fun! I want to go to one!)
  • Hospitality is a passion of mine, and I really enjoyed Jen’s book, Just Open the Door. She has so many gems and great tips throughout the book on simplifying hospitality. I asked Jen to share the inspiration behind the book. The fact that “hospitality” isn’t on the cover of her book was intentional — I love Jen’s reason why!
  • Jen threw me off when she quoted Martha Stewart in her book! Jen takes Martha’s definition of hospitality and throws a Biblical shift on it. Love it! Jen explains a little more about how and why she looks at hospitality in that way. I love the story Jen tells about how her heart changed from “entertaining” to true “hospitality” — just wait until you hear it!
  • I asked Jen about how we can go deeper in our hospitality. She shared tips on how we can take our hospitality to the next level and give it more of a biblical focus. I love how Jen shares the lifestyle and legacy of hospitality!
  • Jen has a whole segment in her book about “do-overs.” She shares a story that so resonated with me — about the stress of hospitality and really wanting to grow a legacy of hospitality in our kids. I asked Jen to share a little about the legacy of hospitality and how the “do-overs” impacted her hospitality practice.
  • What I really enjoyed about Jen’s book is that not only does she tell stories throughout, but she also has a “Dear Jen” section (that is so great) that basically answers people’s specific questions about hospitality. Another thing I really liked was her section called “Elevate the Ordinary,” where Jen gives great practical advice. Jen really takes the intimidation off the plate if hospitality seems intimidating to you.
  • I love Jen’s concept of neighboring well, too. I asked Jen to explain what “neighboring well” looks like. I think you’ll like her suggestions. So simple and so easy — and her ideas for spontaneous hospitality are the best!
  • How to Simplify Hospitality with Jen SchmidtHospitality can be draining. There can be times of burn out. Jen shared about how Jesus also got tired and would retreat for a time to recharge! Jen explains how this, recharging our batteries and filling ourselves up, is necessary so that we can pour into others.
  • Need extra help?Jen has you covered! Throughout Just Open the Door there is an “extra helping” written by someone close to Jen. One of my favorites was written by Antonie. I asked Jen to tell a little bit more about Antonie and share his story. You can read his story in her book — I promise it’s a good one! And another little fun tidbit…Antonie is the one who inspired the subtitle for the book, How One Invitation Can Change a Generation!
  • We all know that food seems to go hand-in-hand with hospitality. I asked Jen to share some of her favorite go-to meals for when she has unexpected guests drop by. You don’t want to miss her great tips!

Scripture Referenced:

  • “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40)

Also Mentioned (or should have mentioned) in this Episode:

  • Jen and I talk about just how much we love the idea of Kristin Schell’s turquoise table— and Kristin was on our podcast season three! You can listen to Kristin’s episode HERE!
  • My “Favorite Things” Page!! I have finally put everything in one spot for you! All my favorite books and products! I hope you’ll check it out at
  • The Simply Joyful Membership Site!! Don’t miss all the fun things that are going on on the membership site! We are upping our game!
  • Join our Facebook Community, too! Visit with other Simply Joyful fans + weigh in on questions for our guests! Your question might just be used in the podcast.
  • Are you needing help getting healthy for summer?I didn’t mention in this episode, but I have a weight loss program that I love called Optavia! I’m a health coach with them. If you are interested in learning more about that and my special coaching program, just head HERE for more info.

Please Note…

  • Be sure to grab your FREE copy of my bookSanity Savers for Moms, by joining our Simply Joyful community. It’s a great way to keep in touch…and get subscriber only freebies like my book. Click HERE to get the book and join!

A Special Thanks to

Rend Collective for allowing me to use their incredible song “The Joy of the Lord is My Strength” This song has so much special meaning to me and it highlights the theme verse for my podcast — Nehemiah 8:10. Be sure to check out their music! They are such a fun band to listen to…and to see live.

Connect with Jen Schmidt…

For the last decade, Jen Schmidt has been encouraging, challenging, and cheering on women to embrace both the beauty and bedlam of their everyday lives on her popular lifestyle blog, Balancing Beauty and Bedlam. With a variety of topics—from easy dinner ideas and personal finance to leaving a legacy—Jen equips others to live life to its fullest, reminding them it’s the little things that really are the big things in life.

A popular speaker, worship leader and founder/host of the annual Becoming Conference, Jen shares with humor and authenticity as she invites others to join her on this bumpy, beautiful life journey. She lives in North Carolina with her husband, five children, a few too many animals, and an available sofa for anyone who needs it.

You can check out Jen’s books HERE on Amazon! Be sure to visit his site as well at

(This podcast is by Kristi Clover. Discovered by Christian Podcast Central and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Christian Podcast Central, and audio is streamed directly from their servers.)

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