The Art of Practicing Hospitality with Kristin Schell
If you are not already familiar with Kristin and her turquoise table, after today, you are going to want to run out and check out her amazing new book The Turquoise Table. It’s about finding community and connecting with those in your community in your own front yard.
You are in for a treat today. Romans 12 is one of my favorite passages—especially verses 12-13, which talk about the “practicing hospitality.” This is what we are talking about today—hospitality. We all have a lot of gifts from the Lord. As I’ve mentioned on other episodes, I love helping people. A passion of mine to help people simplify—to know when to say “no” to the things that we can, so we can say “yes” to the things that God wants us focused on. When we start simplifying, we start seeing the joy that comes from that.
One of the major themes that you will see woven into each of these podcasts is guests who have said “yes” to God in one way or another. Even when we say “yes” to the most simple of things, God can show up and use that in a big way—just like He used the little boy with his loaves of bread and fishes. That’s exactly what we’re going to hear in this episode. How one person said yes to God in the area of hospitality.
We all have different gifts, but God tells us to practice hospitality! Today we’re going to break down the difference between hospitality and entertaining. Hospitality is opening the door. And as you will hear in this episode, Kristin says you can say “yes” to God and “yes” to hospitality and you don’t even have to open your door! That’s just one of the many things that I love about this episode—we simplify hospitality! When you think of the story of Mary and Martha, you have Martha trying to do it all—trying to be hospitable, and Mary who sitting at the feet of Jesus. That’s what I want to encourage you guys today. Sometimes we get caught up in the busyness of hospitality, and sometimes we just need to sit with the people that Jesus is bringing to us.
I am ultra-excited for you to listen to this episode today! I know that you are just going to love it!
On a “Simply” & “Joyful” side note…
This episode is full of so many great ideas for simplifying hospitality. You aren’t going to want to miss it!
Get ready for a great interview — get a copy of The Turquoise Table HERE and get your own Simply Joyful Podcast mug HERE!
Highlights from This Show…
- Kristin shares when she isn’t chauffeuring her three kids around in her van (which she swears should have its own zip code) she is hanging out at her turquoise table. She shares the story behind putting a turquoise table in her front yard, and why.
It wasn’t my idea, it was an answer to a prayer. —Kristin Schell
The Lord had to teach me the difference between hospitality and entertaining. — Kristin Schell
- Kristin shares about the day that she got the message from the Lord loud and clear. At the height of her spiritual meltdown she happened to be attending a discipleship conference. While there she watched a documentary that got her thinking about hospitality. When she ordered a picnic table needed for extra seating for an upcoming party, she had no idea what would enfold.
You can’t be what you can’t see. —Jo Saxon
- Kristen goes on to share how the idea of community in her front yard caught on, how God stepped in, and how the rest of her neighbors felt about the table in her front yard.
- Something Kristin didn’t expect was the Turquoise table movement to begin.
What is it that God’s people are longing for that this thing is happening? —Kristin Schell
All of these “I” devices are changing how we communicate. —Kristin Schell
We are losing the art of communication. —Kristi Clover
- I ask Kristin to share the first time that a table made a big impact on her.
- Kristin shares a few tips on simplifying hospitality and how we can break free from “picture perfect”.
Greek for hospitality is “Love of Strangers.” — Kristin Schell
A table outside = the greatest hospitality hack ever. —Kristin Schell
Want to start your own turquoise table? Kristin Schell gives you tips and a starting point on this week’s #SJP. (CLICK TO TWEET)
- When you start connecting people, you start having issues (right?) Kristin shares about how to share with your neighbors while also dealing with the not-so-pretty part of relationships.
We’re never fighting about what we’re really fighting about, there’s always an underlining issues. Get to the root of it. —Kristin Schell
- Kristin talks about how her line, exclusively sold at Tuesday Morning, came about—completely organically and very much God-touched.
Kristin is also working with ReWork project, a non-profit based in Austin, TX. You can find out more about this ministry here.
I love watching people going through the process of getting a table and seeing how they use it. —Kristin Schell
I am now the keeper of stories and I love that. Hear more from Kristin Schell on this week’s #SJP. (CLICK TO TWEET)
- I close out the podcast sharing a hospitality (and organization) hack of my own!
Please Note…
— Be sure to grab your FREE copy of my book, Sanity Savers for Moms, by joining our Simply Joyful community. It’s a great way to keep in touch…and get subscriber only freebies like my book. Click HERE to get the book and join!
Connect with Kristin Schell…
Kristin Schell is an established speaker and blogger on the subjects of food, faith, and hospitality. Passionate about community, she has served at every level, from grassroots-level work in church and local nonprofits as well our nation’s capital. As founder of the Turquoise Table and Front Yard People movement, Kristin travels the country speaking at conferences and events with an encouraging word on how to open our lives and homes to others. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Tony, and their four children.
Kristin and the Turquoise Table have been featured in a wide variety of media outlets including the Austin-American Statesman, KEYE-TV/CBS Austin, and MOPS International.
You can check out Kristin’s books HERE on Amazon! Be sure to visit her site as well at
(This podcast is by Kristi Clover. Discovered by Christian Podcast Central and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Christian Podcast Central, and audio is streamed directly from their servers.)